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fifteen | shí wu

the three cuddled up inside a room in a penthouse that was somewhat on the island.

the earlier events somehow tired them out. and the thing is, they haven't yet eaten, both breakfast and lunch.

"know what, if you'll let me up, i can cook something to eat." jaemin even tried to stand up but he was yet again pulled down. he was actually in between the two so he can't do anything.

he felt the prince, laying his head onto jaemin's shoulder while the soldier on his left side was snuggling into his neck. jaemin just sighed and rested his head on the headboard as he tried to ignore the tingling feeling in his tummy and the slow breathing of the soldier on his neck.

as he was slowly dozing off, his eyes shot open once again when he felt a soft kiss on his neck, "j-jen?"

but he received just a hum and then he felt the soldier trying to find a much comfortable position. he felt a hand snaking on his waist while he continue to receive kisses on his neck.

sooner, jaemin tried to calm his breathing and his heart when he felt the soft kisses became small kitten licks. he bit his lower lip to suppress the sound that was trying to slip out of his mouth as he thought that the prince on his right side had dozed to sleep.

but boy was he wrong.

he felt the prince sitting up straight, facing him. jaemin was about to say something but the prince cupped his cheeks before smashing his lips unto jaemin's.

jaemin's eyes widened as he pressed his lips tightly but the soldier just had to suck on a specific spot in between his neck and collarbone making him whimper and part his lips, giving the entrance the prince wanted.

jaemin just closed his eyes and gave in. he started kissing back to the prince as he tilted his head to give better access to the soldier that was trailing open-mouthed kisses from behind his ears down to his jaw line.

after a few minutes, it seems like the soldier and prince changed places as the prince's kisses travelled away from jaemin's lips while the soldier held his chin and made jaemin face him, before capturing his lips.

but a stomach growl had to cut them off. jaemin tried to stifle his laugh but he can't help but chuckle as the two, renjun and jeno, groaned and scolded their stomachs.

"this is why we should eat real food."


the trio strolled on the beach, with jaemin in the middle, renjun hugging jaemin's arm and jeno had an arm wrapped around jaemin's waist.

it was still noon, the sun was still brightly shining and they just had a meal at one of the resto bars built at the place. "it's so hot."

"it's because you're beside me." renjun answered earning a laugh from the two. he glared at them but he also joined on laughing after. "but like, i agree, it's really hot in here."

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