Tooru Oikawa~❤️

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"Hey Tooru." You softly say to him as you played with his hair.

His head was placed on your lap and you were both in his bedroom just hanging out.

He was on his phone and you were just looking at his features.

"Hmm?" He asks you, his eyes still attached to his phone.

"I was wondering how you feel about me."

"What do you mean? We're dating are we not? What else would I feel for you aside love?"

You softly chuckle and then smile, "Of course that'd be your response."

You choked at the end of your sentence.

He looked up at you, with one brow up and the other down, "Why did you suddenly ask me this?"

Your heart stung like a bitch.

You've known this man since you were in diapers. When he asked you out in middle school of course your initial thought would be staying together when you both get married to each other.

But, that was a fairy tail to you now.

"Hey— am I good enough for you?"

His eyes widened at your question.

"Of course you are! Why wouldn't you be?"

"Well, you're not gonna tell me the truth are you. Oikawa?"

He abruptly stood up cupping your cheeks, forcing you to look directly at him.

"What's wrong?!" His voice was demanding.

"Don't act innocent Oikawa.. I saw you kissing all of those girls. To the infirmary, the hallway. I even know you kissed girls abandoned classrooms. Please, tell me..why did you continue lying to me?"

He was at a loss for words.

You weren't even crying. The whole thing had been happening for a year. You felt like a bore to him so that led you to growing tired of trying to love him.

It was your third year of high school and you've been with him since your second year of Middle school. No wonder he'd be bored of you and start kissing other girls.

Yes, you were angry at first but you ended up numbing the pain by sticking in even more needles to your heart. You thought you deserved it though. Your life was way to happy even for you to comprehend what had been happening. It wouldn't have been long till your reality came crashing down back to you. It did take a couple of years before coming back but you got used to it within a year because you already lived with even worse things than being cheated on.

" you even love me anymore Oikawa?"


You already knew the answer but it still hurt.

You got up from his bed and took your jacket along with your little bag.

"Thank you for your time. Oikawa Tooru."

And with that, you left his house.

As days passed you still felt the same.

At times you'd look in the mirror, lift up your shirt just to reveal you stomach, and point out the fat you had thinking that's probably why he didn't like you.

You'd point out your flaws in the mirror and ate a little bit of food each day.

Whenever the bell rang for lunch you'd take a pill as your food.

You lost a lot of weight by doing this for a few months.

Until once of your friends came for a visit after being in Tokyo.

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