¹¹ | when he's suspicious

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(Y/N)'s POV

Wednesday, first block (morning).

As I walked in to school early again, I ran to look for Mr. Aizawa, I passed by the teachers lounge but I ran back and entered the room, seeing him drinking coffee. "Mr. Aizawa, sorry to say but, I can't train today.." I told him afraid he would ask why, It's embarrassing but it hurts like hell so I'm gonna hide it for today until I go to the doctors I thought as Aizawa, of course, asked me why. "May I ask why?" I looked at him and pulled my dominant hand out of my hoodies pocket. I showed him my bandaged arm and hand. He looked in shock as he placed his coffee mug on the table, "what happened?" He asked me. I looked at him and explained everything, "I was training in my yard when my mom was bringing me some boiling water outside so I can practice my water and fire elements , but I was using my air at the time so I made it accidentally fly at me.. while I was controlling the direction of the wind I released from my palms" . I heard him sigh and nod an "ok" as an approval. I thanked him and closed the door behind me as I walked out. I rolled my hoodies sleeve back down so it doesn't show. I don't want Kiri to worry... or anyone at that. I thought, I was planning on keeping this hoodie on all day, and never roll up the sleeves. I entered class 1A and of course no one was there besides Lida and Momo. "Hey guys!" I called out, waving with my left arm. I walked up to them as they said hey back. We talked until more people started entering the classroom, I went to my seat and sat down.

In the middle of class I felt a burning sensation on my right arm, where the burn is. Not now! I thought as I winced in pain, hoping no one would see me. I raised my hand while Mr. Aizawa was teaching, for once. He saw my hand and immediately nodded. I got up from my chair in a rush while grabbing my bag and running out the door to the restrooms to stop my arm from the burning sensation. Little did I know, I dropped my doctors note. I frantically checked my pocket as I didn't see it there. Shit! I thought as I rolled up my hoodies sleeves and unwrapped the bandages, my arm red, my hand having a small scar. I started applying some vasoline, making it start to burn even worse. I wrapped fresh bandages around it and put everything away. I rolled down my sleeve and quickly ran back to class.

I sat down quickly in my seat searing for the doctors note, Aha! There you are! I thought. I reached down to grab it but Kaminari beat me to it, "Is this yours?" He whispered. I nodded and tried to take it back, he opened it and read it, he looked up at me and mouthed a "what?!" with his mouth. I quickly snatched the doctors note and stuffed it in my pocket, "Don't talk about it to anyone, okay? Not even Mina." I whispered as he nodded with hesitation, I glared at him.

As 1st block ended, I stood up normally and grabbed my bag, I heard a voice call out to me and I flinched, "Why did you leave the class in such a hurry, (Y/N)?" She asked me as she walked right beside me, I tried coming up with an excuse on the spot, "I— u-umm.. w-well.. you s—" I got cut off my Mina as she raised her eyebrows, "Don't tell me your on that time of month!" She whisper-yelled and I laughed, "Yeah, sorry.. I get worried when I talk about it." I lied and chuckled nervously as I scratched my head with my left arm. "Nah, don't worry girl! We're like sisters, so you don't have to be awkward around me." She said as we arrived to lunch. I smiled at her with a sad look on my face, Well dang, now I feel bad.. I should probably tell her and her only. I don't wanna seem dumb. I thought as I pulled Mina back by her arm, she yelped until she noticed it was me, "Oh, yeah, (Y/N)?" She asked facing me, her face having "confusion" written all over. I took a deep breath in and I explained everything, she look at me wide-eyed when I finished explaining, "You shouldn't hide those thing! Especially from Kirishim—" I covered her mouth as she was drawing attention, "Shh!" I shushed and she apologized as I removed my hand from her mouth. "Well, I hope you heal PRONTO!" She said as we walked into the lunch line. I giggled, To mention.. I've been trying to avoid Kiri.. poor boy. He doesn't deserve this.. I really am a bad person. I'm just gonna make him worry even more!— I got cut off from my thoughts as I realized Mina snapped me back to reality, and I was the only one in the line. "Omigod Lunch Rush I'm so sorry—!" I apologized as I took the food.
"(Y/N).. you really need to tell Kiri." She sighed as she sat down at a table that wasn't with the Bakusquad, infact it was an empty one. I sat down in front of her and sighed. I felt someone kiss my neck and I flinched— "What the fu—!" I got cut off as I noticed it was Kirishima. "O-oh hi K-Kirishima!" I squeaked out a I glanced at Mina. She had a worried look on her face but tried to hide it behind a smile to hide the fact about my burnt, right arm. "I haven't seen you all day! I miss you.." he softly said as he kissed my head. I flinched once more, "O-oh ye-yeah! I've been b-busy!" I said. He looked at me as if I was weird, "(Y/N), are you okay? We only passed first block and almost lunch.." he questioned as I looked at Mina, but she shrugged. "Yeah I'm fine I was busy in the morning!" I lied but he kept pushing questions onto me. "But you were here early...?" He said giving me a somethings going on face. I sighed, "Fine. I was just sad that.. uh.. my hamster died!" I lied once more, he made an "o" shape with his mouth, revealing his sharp and pointy teeth, I smiled faintly. "Sorry..I'm gonna go now, I'll see you after school!" He said as he walked towards Bakugou and Kaminari. I sighed in relief and faced Mina. "Poor Kiri.. c'mon (Y/N)!" She pressed as I ate my food.

After School

I rushed out of class hoping not to bump into Kiri, I was speed walking and it proceded into running. I ran and ran until I stopped to catch my breath, "Whoo.." I let out and breathed heavily. I felt a sudden pair of eyes on me, not a look.. a glare. Chills went up my spine as I started walking, then walking faster until I felt a hand on my shoulder, forcing my to stop and turn around. I squeaked in fear, "Kirishima..?" I nervously spoke as I met his eyes. They had a hint of worry in them but also of strong concern. "(Y/N), I know somethings up." He spoke firmly. "I didn't want to look into it to much, but Kaminari told me something about a doctors note.. with an appointment at 7:25 PM." He spoke clearly, as if he knew something was up, in which he did. "Well it's to see my mother—" I tried lying but got cut off by Kirishima, "an appointment for (F/N) (L/N)." He finished. "Whatever's going on, please tell me.." His tone changed. "I know it's not to see your mother. Or anyone at that.." He spoke while pulling me into a hug, I now felt worse than I have before. "I'm really sorry, Kiri.. but I don't wanna worry you.." I said as I lightly patted his back, he released me from the hug. "Oh, and.." he spoke, grabbing me by my right arm, I winced in pain and pulled my arm back. "Ow!" I hissed. He looked at me, "So its your arm..?" He asked and I hesitated to nod, but something inside me made me nod. He grabbed my right arm once more but with a tight grip, I attempted to pull my arm out of his grasp but his hold on my arm was way too strong. I sighed in defeat as he rolled up my hoodies sleeve, and looked at my arm in worry, "What the heck happened?!" He asked.

We headed to my house so I can explain everything, in which I did. He started to feel bad but I comforted him and kept telling him it wasn't his fault. "You were not even there, so how could it be your fault!? Stop saying that, c'mon!" I attempted to comfort him. He hugged me and tightened his grip on me, I smiled and hugged him back saying, "You can come to the doctors appointment with me if it makes you feel better, okay?" I said as I felt him slightly nod as we were hugging. "Let's stay like this for a while.. okay?" He said, and I smiled and nodded, "Sure..".

Word Count: 1610 Words

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