¹⁶ | when he gives you a nickname

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(Y/N)'s POV

I had a date night with Kirishima, which was really fun. We walked around a fair and went on some rides, we later on saw the squad so it was a half date. It was now the day after that, I woke up, my legs sore from walking around for hours.

As I sat up in bed after being awake for a few minutes, I sighed and got up, feeling the soft, fluffy white carpet under my feet. I smiled at the warmth as I headed over to my bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my outfit to just hang out in the dorms.

I put on my (color) hoodie and ripped blue jeans, followed with fluffy socks, in which I loved. I exited out my dorm room and into the elevator, I immediately stopped it when I heard a voice yelling wait. "Momo?" I questioned as she entered the elevator.
"Sorry about that! I was seeing Uraraka" she said as she straightened herself. I smiled at her, "It's no problem!".

The elevator door opened and I walked out and went into the kitchen opening a cabinet. I grabbed my (F/F) pocky I hid all the way in the back behind everything else. I went to the table and sat down, eating my pocky. Mina sat next to me and pulled chips out of her pocket. We started talking and talking until I reached into my pocky and there was none left. "MINA NO!" I yelled out as I showed her the empty box, she gasped and wiped a fake tear. "In memory of (F/N)'s pocky." she sadly states as we burst into a fit of laughter. "RIP MINA's chip.." I sadly stated and she looked at me confused. "But they're not empty—" She stated, clearly confused but got cut off as I smacked her bag of chips to the floor. "IT JUST KISSED THE FLOOR HELLO!" I laughed as I saw Mina laugh. "Now I have to pick this up before Lida comes—" I said bumping into someone on my way to get the broom. "Sorry!" I apologized as I looked up..

"Lida?? AHHHH!" I screamed and ran away as he chased after me, of course catching me and sitting me down on the couch giving me a lecture with his weird hand motions. I let out a giggle and he furrowed his brows, "That is very disrespectful (Y/N)! Apologize immediately!" He sternly said, but I apologized and got up running to the elevator as fast as possible as I screamed trying to get away from his horrible and boring lectures.

I hurried to the elevator and spammed the button to the third floor, the door started closing and I sighed in relief. As the elevator went up, it stopped and the doors opened. I ran to Kirishima's room and knocked on his door very hard, he might come up here to get me! I thought as the door opened, revealed my red-haired boyfriend.

"Kiri! Please let me in Iida is gonna lecture mee!" I begged as I looked at the elevator to see if anyone's coming up. I look back at Kirishima and he nodded, I walked inside his room and sat on his floor. "Thank you, Kiri!" I thanked as I checked my phone for notifications. He smiled at me, "So.. did you enjoy the date yesterday?" He nervously asked, I nodded. "Hell yeah! I loved it!" I emphasized as I grinned. He smiled and put a thumbs up. Adorable.. I thought

I heard a knock on the door, I looked at Kirishima, I mouthed the word Iida? unsure. I hid in the corner of his room where no one would see me if they peered into the room.

I heard Kirishima open the door and I held my legs up to my chest, ducking my head down. I heard a voice that wasn't Iida's. I wonder who it is?.. I thought as I let go of my legs and got up.

I saw spiky, blondish hair. Bakugou? I wondered as I went up to Kirishima. He nodded and told me it was ok and Iida wasn't here, I smiled and silently thanked him.

"Oi, shitty hair, why is that extra here?" Bakugou aggressively asked and I looked at him dumbfounded, "Are you really that dumb..?" I muttered under my breath and giggled. He looked at me and glared me down, "What the fuck did you say EXTRA?" He states heading towards me. I let out a squeak and backed up. Kirishima grabbed Bakugous shoulder, "Bro, you know shes my girlfriend, right?" Kirishima asked letting go of his shoulder, I blushed at the word girlfriend and smiled to myself.

"I'll go now, thanks again Sharky~" I smiled and started to head out of his room. "It's no problem, Cookie." He replied and smiled, I blushed. "W-what?.." I asked, flustered. Thats so cute! Haha. I thought as I turned around and faced him.

"You don't like it..?" He asked and looked down at his feet. I laughed and smiled, "Of course I like it! It was just unexpected." I stated as I walked over to him and placed my finger under his chin, lifting his head up to kinda face me. I smiled and kissed him. "Thanks again!" I said heading out the door towards Mina's dorm. I kicked her door open, "Hey girl! I have some newss~" I told Mina closing the door behind me and giggling.

I explained everything and fantasized about how cute the nickname he gave me was. Me and Mina started talking about other topics and we got carried away, so I decided to just sleep in her room again. It was basically another girl night, except just me and Mina.
I went to sleep thinking about Kirishima..

Nicknames given to (Y/N) by Kiri: Teddy, Sweetie, Cookie (I really liked these so I will be using these throughout the oneshots~💖)

Word Count: 1004 Words

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