¹⁵ | when you tickle him

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(Y/N)'s POV

As I woke up in my dorm room, I immediately yawned and stretched my arm, I picked up my phone from my nightstand and turned it on, using my fingerprint to unlock it. I opened up Snapchat and viewed everyones stories. Cute. Woah! Thats so funny! I commented on them all. I posted on my story, and sent my streaks to Mina, Uraraka and Jirou.

I opened my messages and sent a "Good morning" text to Kirishima as I opened Tiktok.

A few minutes passed as I checked all my social media. I placed my phone back down on the nightstand and got up from bed. Throwing the covers off of me. I don't have to train or exercise today! I thought and pumped my fist up in the air. I went over to my closet and grabbed my clothes and a pair of light grey socks.

I walked to the bathrooms, only Momo and Jirou were up, "Hi girls!" I said as I passed by the living room.

As I changed, I put on my socks and put my pajamas in the laundry basket. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and (it cracked—) smiled.  I walked out and went to the living room to talk too the girls that were up. I yawned as I sat down on the couch and joined their conversation. This continued for a bit until I felt a kiss on my head.

I looked up and saw a smiling boy, "Kirii~!!" I exclaimed bolting up from the couch to hug him. He laughed and hugged me back. I went back to the couch and motioned him to sit next to me, in which he did. I pecked his cheek and gave him a butterfly kiss on his neck..

He flinched and I laughed, Now I found his tickle spot, huh.. his sides AND neck. I evilly thought as I smirked. Momo and Jirou had left and I sighed. "So how'd you sleep, Kiri?" I asked him, looking back at him as he slid his arm over my shoulder and pushed me closer to him. "I slept well!" He said, "How about you?" He asked me now. I smiled I'm gonna prank him.. "Well, I had the strangest dream~" I said. "What was it—" he got cut off, "I sailed away to China," I laughed. "In a little rowboat to find ya" I finished. "Did you find me?" He questioned as I went on with the teasing, "And you said you had to get your laundry cleaned..", I heard him laugh and I smiled, "Wow, did I really?" He asked, but I continued. "Didn't want no one to hold you!" I made sure I sounded jealous as I said that, "What does that mean?" I asked as he answered, "I don't know..." . I almost laughed but I had to continue, keep in mind that I was recording this.

"And you said.." I said before jamming out to it, "AINT NOTHING GONNA BREAK MY STRIDE~!" Kirishima made an O shape with his mouth and continued the next part, "Nobody's gonna slow me down!". He smiled and I looked in surprise, Woah he knows this?! I thought, "Oh no!" I said as we both joined in union for the following part, "I've got to keep on moving~!" We finished off with laughter, "You were so dumbfounded the first few parts— hahah!" I laughed as I pulled out my phone and stopped the recording. "Also Kiri.." I said, get ready you big meanie! You tickled me and now I'm gonna get you back for that.. I thought as a sly smirk appeared on my face. "Yeah, (Y/N)?" He curiously asked me as he looked at me, he saw the visible smirk on my face.

"So.." I said distracting him. "You know I love you, right?" I said as I started sneaking my hand near his sides, "Yeah! I love you, a lot!" He smiled, his words making me smile. "Well.." I waited a few seconds.

I attacked his sides and he was surprised,
"(Y/N)! A-ah stop that t-tickles— HAHA!" He laughed trying to get my hands to stop tickling, "Nope! This is payback for what you did~~" I teased and continued tickling his sides as he laughed. He fell onto the rug next to the couch getting released from my hold for a second until I jumped down and started tickling him again. I started giving him soft, butterfly kisses on the neck, still trying to get me to stop. He kept laughing and smiled while trying to pry my hands off his side, which wasn't working. He continued laughing, His laugh is so adorable! He should laugh more often. I thought, but I winced at the pain in my hands, I looked down and brought my hands closer to me and higher. When I saw what happened and the cuts on my hand I yelped out an, "Ow!", as I looked down at Kiri, who had activated his quirk and not realized it. "(Y/N) what happened?!" He said as he quickly sat up looking at me in concern.

"I don't know I just randomly got cut," I said as I held my hands out to show him. "O-oh I think I might of accidentally activated my quirk and not known!" He said, "I'm really sorry!" He apologized as he softly grabbed my hands and kissed them, I laughed. "Kiri, it's okay. I'll have to go put bandages on them, so gimmie a moment!" I said as I got up, "I'm coming with." Kiri said as he got up. I smiled, "Okay!" . We started walking towards the elevator.

(After All That)

"I really hope no one saw that, haha.." I nervously laughed as we were both in the elevator. He laughed, "I wouldn't mind, we are a couple after all.." he said as he kissed me once more. I smiled at him as the elevator door opened and we both walked out.
"Y'know Kiri, you should really laugh more, I really like your laugh. It's adorable." I commented as he brightened up and blush, "ReAlly?!" He excitedly said as I nodded and pecked his cheek, walking to the living room.

Word Count: 1055 Words

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