Photo shoot.

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Why did I do that!

Okay, pretend it did not happen at all. Keep calm and act like nothing happened.

Quietly I sneak back into the kitchen and Niall who so focused on his phone didn’t even realize I sneaked back in.

God I'm such a good ninja.

“who was at the door?” Niall asks suddenly, making me jump.

“huh?, what door”, I ask him. Looking up from the sing where I was pretending I was all along.

“who knocked on the main door?” he asked, looking at me confused.

“what are you talking about,  nobody knocked on our door.” I try I convince him looking at him like he’s crazy.

“but I heard knocking and I saw you leave to open the door!” he says confidently.

“no..” I tell him slowly “ I was here all all washing this- “ I hold up the thing in my hand that I was washing “ spoon all along”

Shit really, a spoon? I spent ten minutes washing a spoon? Great job Ash, he’s really going to believe you now.

“ oh ! I thought I heard knocking and you opening the door….” Niall drifts off looking like a little lost puppy.

Oh man… I feel like an asshole confusing him…

Just as I was about to confess that I was kidding, there was a knock on the door again.

Niall immediately looks at me like he’s trying to confirm if I had heard it to, I hold back a snigger and nod my head confirming that I had heard the knocking and he was not going crazy.

He immediately shot of the breakfast stool and ran to get the door to confirm he wasn’t hearing things.

I follow behind him and see him open the door to Zayn again.

I hope he doesn’t say anything, I hope crossing my fingers behind my back.

“ oh thank god!” Niall exclaims throwing open the door “ I was starting to think the apartment was haunted !”

Zayn immediately looks back at me, like he figured out I was the culprit behind the house being haunted. What does he think I am ? Dean Winchester ?

Not giving away anything I pretended I was worried to and nod along to what Niall was saying.

Zayn rolls his eyes and just sighs like he’s given up on us

“come on we are late” he says and walks off.

How rude I think scowling at his retreating back.

Niall and I grab our wallets and phone and leave the apartment and go down to the reception to see the rest of the guys waiting for us.

Niall immediately runs to Louis and starts telling him how the house was haunted and I just move away from them hoping niall doesn’t include me in the conversation too.

All of us get into the SUV and immediately head off to the destination of the photo shoot.

I don’t bother asking where we are going but lean on the window glass next to me and fall asleep.

Next thing you know I feel like and free falling and immediately wake up to realize I’m upside down.

Fuck, I’ve fallen down the bloody rabbit hole!

Wiping the sleep from my eyes I then realize I'm thrown over somebody’s shoulder and my face is every close to someone’s butt.

Immediately I start struggling and am put down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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