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I felt cold.
I looked around me, there was an ocean surrounding me.
The waves were moving in and out heavily, causing the structure I was on to move suddenly.
I looked across the water and there he was.
I instantly felt warmer.
"Leiana! Leiana! Help!" He yelled
I tried to get to him but I couldn't.
No matter how far I ran, I was getting no where.
I was getting frustrated when in the distance I heard a voice calling out to me.

"Leiana, these are your first steps"
I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing heavy. It was another one of those surreal nightmares. I sat up and looked at the time, 2am.

Ugh, could this day start any worse.

I turned on the lamp beside my bed, opening one of the books that Issac let me borrow. It was interesting to read more about the Jedi, the Sith, and the force in general. There was so much history, it was sometimes hard to follow. I opened to a new chapter titled "the beginning of the Jedi". In it they talked about the Jedi texts and the first Jedi temple, then it clicked. That was where Mom took me the other day, that was where Luke went to be in solitude. That was why it was calling to me, drawing me in. It was where history was made. I quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote out the coordinates to the island. I knew I needed to go back, now I knew how. I put it up on my wall, as a way of motivating me.

I read through most of the book by the time the sun came up. I took a shower and got ready, trying not to wake up my parents. Then I left them a note saying I would be out for a bit, I hoped we could do something tonight. I haven't been spending as much time with them as I want.

I made a mad dash to Issacs house, the books in my bag starting to hurt my back. I was almost there when I bumped into someone, knocking all of my books out of my bag and onto the ground.

"Shit I'm so sorry Leia"

Ryder. That was who I bumped into.

"It's fine I just need to return these books to someone" I responded, kneeling to the ground to start picking them up.

"How have you been? I haven't seen much of you lately"

I cringed, we hung out like two days ago, it wasn't that long ago.

"I've been good, how about you?"

"I am doing alright, my parents came back early. So that's good..." He said, trailing off his sentence a bit, clearing sensing me not listening.

"That's great, I'm sorry but I really have to go. I'll see you around!" I said, shoving the books into my bag and walking off.

Fuck, why are things feeling...off between us.

I made it to Issacs house, knocking on his door. I realized as soon as I did that he might be sleeping. I was about to walk off when he opened the door.


He was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt, he looked breathtaking. I actually almost forgot to breathe.

"H-Hi sorry if I woke you I just..wanted to return your books" I said, trying to act chill as I opened my bag to grab the books.

He smiled and ushered me inside, putting his hand on the small of my back. My breath hitched slightly as I walked inside, his touch just..awoke something in me sometimes.

"Thanks for returning the books, do you want coffee?" He said, walking off into his kitchen.

"Sure that would be great"

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be there in a second" He shouted from the other room.

I took his advice and say down on his couch. I know I was here last night but it still felt weird being in his space like this. My thoughts were interrupted by Issac walking into the room, holding two coffees and a small packet of sugar.

"You mentioned last night that you like your coffee black with sugar so..here you go"

I smiled, grabbing it from him. "Thanks, it's sweet you remembered"

Even I forgot I mentioned it last night.

"Of course I remembered" He said, sitting next to me with his coffee in hand.

"Okay so what actually brought you here? I know it wasn't just to return those books" He asked, looking at me intently.

I liked when he looked at me.

"You caught me. I am here because last night I had a weird dream and I needed to talk about it." I said, putting my coffee down on the table in front of me.

He stayed silent, waiting for me to continue.

"So, I was on this platform and all around me there was the ocean. It was crashing and moving back and forth, it was..intense. Anyways, I was standing there looking around when I heard your voice. You were on the other side of me, shouting at me to come and get you. To..help you. No matter how hard I tried to get to you, you kept getting farther and farther away. Then all of a sudden I heard another voice saying 'Leiana, these are your first steps' It was eerie and weird. I need some help trying to understand what it means exactly"

"I'm sorry that you have these dreams, they must not be fun. But it seems like the world is giving you a sign, saying these are your first steps to greatness. What that is exactly..I don't know. It looks like the force is on your side. The whole thing with me in it, maybe it is saying that we need to get closer or that something is going to happen. It is hard to tell." He said, taking a sip of his coffee. "The force is connecting us, whether we like it or not, there is a reason for this. I don't mind you know, being connected to you. It's nice..having someone. So let's not dwell on it too much."

I picked up my coffee and took a sip, trying to figure out what to say.

"Do you ever..you know.." I paused, trying to align my scattered thoughts "dream about me?"

"All the time. I haven't stopped thinking about you since we met"

He was looking at me and I swear I forgot how to breathe. He was looking at me like I was the only person who mattered. Not even Ryder looks at me like that.

Before I knew it, I was leaning into him. My eyes switching between looking at his eyes and his lips. My mind was running wild, we were so close to each other, it was like nothing else mattered right now. I swear we were staring at each other for an eternity before he closed the gap between us.

We were kissing and all I could think about was him. How his lips moulded perfectly into mine, how his hands were gripping me so tight. I could feel our bond growing stronger with every breath.

He was everything to me right now. Fuck the consequences.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, they finally kissed!!

Are you guys team Issac or Ryder?

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also random thing but,
i swear I think about adam sackler at least twice a day. I love love love him 🥺

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