Scuba Diving

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(Group chat skit: Just up until the end of the plane scene)
Alex: Do any of you guys know what plane we boarded for?
Byron: I think it was 420 airlines. *Looks at a ticket*
Nicholas: *Looks at Byrons ticket* I thought we were supposed to go to Easter Island?
Alex: No, were going to Australia.
*Intercom speaks in garbled speech but then whines*
Everyone: *Plugs their ears*
Intercom: Yeah, you guys are screwed.
Alex: ... ... What?!
Byron: UUUH, did it just say we're screwed?
Alex: *Looks at his ticket* Nick you buffoon! These aren't tickets for Australia these are tickets for the Bahamas!
Byron: I mean it can't be that bad right? It's the Bahamas my dudes!
Alex: *Sighs* I guess you're right.
Nicholas: Well then, what airline movie should we watch?
Alex: What are the choices?
Nicholas: It 2, Joker, and for some reason a VHS copy of a 1970s bird documentary.
Alex, Byron, and Nicholas: *Look at each other and say in sync* It 2.
*Movie starts*
Nicholas: *Hushed tone* Ohhhh this is going to be good.
Alex: *Nods*
Byron: What the heck was that?!
Intercom: *Beep* Hello everyone! It is with my greatest regrets that I must inform you that-YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! *Screams*
Alex: Jesus!
Byron: What is it?
Nicholas: Whats wrong Alex?
Alex: *Points to the planes wing that on fire*
Byron: Oh god.
*Pilots rush in*
Pilot 1: The plane is going down and there is no way to safely land it!
Pilot 2: We are going to need to get the emergency kit and get some parachutes for you all.
Pilot 1: By a show of hands, how many of you are good swim-
*Plane window crashes open and multiple people get sucked out and now only Alex, Byron, Nicholas, and the two pilots are left*
Pilot 1: Well that was a freebie.
Pilot 2: The emergency kit includes scuba gear and a parachute if needed. You three take these. *Gives each of them a kit*
Pilot 1: Now lets go!
Everyone: *Jumps out of the plane with the scuba gear and parachute on*
Nicholas: *Screams but then opens the parachute and happily sighs*
Byron: *Opens his parachutes but then notices that is on fire* OH GOD!
Alex: *Calmly opens his parachute*
Pilots: *Open their parachutes*
Everyone: *Gently lands in the water*
Byron: Oh thank goodness!
Alex: *Raises eyebrow* What's the matter?
Byron: For some reason my parachute was on fire.
Nicholas: *Grins* That's global warming for ya!
Everyone else: *Stares at him*
Nicholas: What? *Continues to look at them then shrugs*
Alex: *Tsk* What I think Nick is saying is that he does not know why it was on fire. Do you know why it was on fire...
Zachary: I'm Zachary and this is Sydney.
Sydney: I don't know why it caught on fire. It might possibly be because someone tried to steal the plane to import lighter fluid.
Alex: Really? When did that happen?
Sydney: About a week ago.
Nicholas: I-I just have *Clears throat* one question...
Zachary: Shoot.
Nicholas: Why would you operate a plane that was flammable?!
Sydney: We had police search the plane and you better believe they searched alright.
Zachary: *Says with dull emotionless eyes* They even did a strip search...
Nicholas: *Stares at Zachary silently* Oof.
Byron: Well then, should we prepare for the scuba diving?
Alex: What do you mean?
Byron: Well, we are already in Scuba gear. Plus, it would be fun!
Zachary: It seems that I just so happen to be a licensed scuba diving instructor and we are in the middle of the deep blue Atlantic. *Grins* So put on your snorkels!
(Time Skip)
Sydney: WOW! It's beautiful.
Nicholas: *Watches a Blue Marlin swim by* This is a pretty nice site to see.
Alex: Yeah. *Black drum swims by*
Byron: We sure did make something good out of a bad situation.
Zachary: Now class what you just saw that swam by was the Atlantic Blue Marlin and Black Drum.
Nicholas: Imagine how cool a sword fight between two Atlantic Blue Marlin!
Sydney: This sure is great!
Zachary: ....
Byron: Zach?
Zachary: *Stays silent*
Nicholas and Alex: Zach?
Zachary: *Becomes motionless*
Sydney: Zachary!
Zachary: Shhhh....
Sydney: What the matter?
Zachary: *Hushed tone* Okay guys. I need you four to be very quiet and very silent.
Nicholas: W-What's the matter?
Zachary: Behind us is a Cetorhinus maximus or otherwise known as a Basking Shark. They're still 6ft even at birth and can grow to be 45ft long.
Sydney: The basking shark? Weren't we near the Bahamas and out of its range?
Zachary: The plane crashed mid flight so it could have crashed up north.
Alex: What should we do?
Byron: What's it's size?
Zachary: On the bright side it's only 20ft. On what we should do, Basking Sharks are luckily not hostile but still we should be weary since other more dangerous fish could be near by.
Sydney: Okay then, let's calmly move.
Everyone: *Slowly swims off and the shark swims off*
(Time skip)
Everyone: *Swims up to shore*
Alex: Where are we?
Zachary: We appears to be in the Bahamas. *Points to see a sign that says "Welcome to The Bahamas!"*
Sydney: It's going to be nice to take someone to a place and get to explore it as well.
Byron: Ready to have funny my dudes?!
Everyone but Byron: Yeah! *Runs off together and to have fun in the Bahamas*
Word Count: 931
(I hope that you enjoy this chapter and I hope you enjoy the next one)

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