Trick or Treat

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(Group chat skit) Thank you guys for 100 reads! (It's totally Halloween in February right? 🙄)
Mom: Logan! Get down here!
Logan: Coming mom! *Rushes down the stairs dressed up as Freddy Krueger*
Mom: Oooooo! My little man is looking *Says in a ghost voice* Spooooooky!
Logan: *Flushes* Mom you're embarrassing me.
Mom: I'm sorry honey but you are just too darn adorable! So, when are your friends going to be here?
Logan: They are all close but I don't know who's going to come first though.
*Ding Dong*
Logan: I wonder who that is? *Opens the door*
Tom: *Jumps in dressed as Luigi* Let's a go! Whahoo!
Logan: What's up Tom? *High fives him*
Tom: My body is ready for some trick or treat candy!
*Ding Dong*
Logan: Lemme get that. *Opens the door*
Sean: *Walks in dressed as Dio* Sup.
Logan: *Grins* Come here b-
Mom: *Covers Logans* Profanity!
Tom and Sean: *Chuckle*
Logan: *Sighs* Sorry mom.
Mom: *Gives a close eyed smile* It's okay sweetie!
Logan: *Looks at phone* I just got a text from Joan and he that he should be here in a minute.
(French Narrator: One minute late-l...)
*Ding Dong*
Logan: *Opens the door* Wicked costume Joan.
Joan: *Walks in dressed as a bone warrior* Ready to get our candy on?!
Everyone: Heck yeah! Bye Mom/ Mother Adler!
Mom: *Waves* Bye guys!
(Skip Time...
Jad686: Oh come on Greg!)
Logan: Lets go to that house across the street! *Points to a two story house with a brown roof*
Everyone: *Runs up to the door*
Mrs. Winkler: Oh hello kids! I see... *Points at Logan* Sharp Hand Joe,
Logan: *Says in exasperation* I'm Freddy Krueger lady.
Mrs. Winkler: *Points at Tom* Luweiner,
Tom: *Shrugs* At least you were close.
Mrs. Winkler: *Points at Joan* Jack Skellington,
Joan: *Snaps one of his warrior costumes bones in half and points it towards Mrs. Winkler* I will CUT you lady!
Mrs. Winkler: *Points at Sean* and whatever the heck that is!
Sean: You didn't even try with me lady!
Logan: *Huffs and looks up* Okay. What candy do you have lady?
Mrs. Winkler: I have a Halloween classic!
Logan: Candycorn?
Mrs. Winkler: *Shakes head*
Tom: Hershey Bars?
Mrs. Winkler: Nope.
Sean: Reese's Pieces?
Mrs. Winkler: Nada.
Joan: Three Musketeers?
Mrs. Winkler: Nein.
Logan: Then what is it?
Mrs. Winkler: Everyone favorite! *Pulls our bowl*
Everyone but Mrs. Winkler: *Eyes widen in excitement but then their expressions instantly falter*
Mrs. Winkler: Sun dried raisins!
Logan: Joan?
Joan: Yes Logan?
Logan: You can do it?
Joan: *Grins* Wait are you serious?!
Logan: Yes.
Joan: *Pulls out a lighter*
(Skip Time...
Jad686: Again!
Clock Leap...
Jad686: Seriously!
Time Skip...
Jad686: Finally!)
Everyone: *Runs from two officers as a house burns in the background*
Logan: *Mutters* Letting Joan use a lighter is a bad idea. I have learned now. I'm learning from my mistakes.
Sean: *Slaps Logan* Pull yourself together woman!
Logan: Hey!
Joan: I should have seen this happening in hindsight.
Sean: *Turns around* Okay. It seems that the cops are off of our trail.
Logan: Hey Tom you can pick the next house?
Tom: Sure! How about.....that one! *Point to a blue house with a black roof*
Logan: Sure why not.
Tom: *Skips over to the door and knocks on the door*
Mr. Wembley: *Opens up the door*
Everyone but Mr. Wembley: Mr. Wembley?
Mr. Wembley: Oh it's you guys. Did you finish your Social Studies assignment?
Sean and Joan: *Nervously sweats and take a step back*
Mr. Wembley: *Gives everyone a cold stare and smiles* I'm just pulling your leg! Let me go get the candy.
Everyone: *Cheers*
Mr. Wembley: *Brings out a bowl of king sized candy*
Everyone except Mr. Wembley: *Shake in excitement*
Logan: *Takes a King Sized Kit-Kat*
Tom: *Takes a King Sized Twix*
Sean: *Takes a King Sized Snickers*
Joan: *Takes a King Sized box of M & M' s*
Everyone: Bye Mr. Wembley!/ See ya kiddos!
Sean:Well that was a nice break from all of the craziness. *Shoots Joan a glare*
Joan: Hey! Logan was the one who allowed me!
Logan: Okay okay okay....I am sorry. Let's just continue with the night but let's watch out for red and blue lights.
Joan: *Punches the montage button and This is Halloween plays in the background*
Logan: *Rings the doorbell*
Lady: *Walks out and gives them toothbrushes and apples*
Joan:  *Force feeds her antifreeze*
Logan, Sean, and Tom: DANG IT JOAN!
Tom: *Knocks on the door*
Man: *Opens the door* Hiya kids! *Pulls our candy bowl*
Joan: Fina- *Takes a closer look and sees razor blades in clear view* Oh come on!
Logan, Tom, and Sean: What? *See the razor blades*
Logan, Tom, Sean, and Joan: *Turn around and use the Joestar Technique*
*This is Halloween stops*
L, T, S, and JO: *Stand in front of an old, crooked, and haunted looking house*
Tom: *Gulps* Are you sure that they have candy?
Sean: Come on! The house just oozes of Halloween
*Camera pans back to the house and Toccata and Fugue in D Minor plays as lightning strikes*
Tom: What's with Bach and terrifying places?!
Joan: *Sighs and pulls out a flash grenade* A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do...
Logan, Tom, and Sean: NO! *Hold Joan back*
Logan: *Knocks on the door but it opens on its own*
Tom: *Jumps our of his own skin* Jeepers!
Logan, Sean, and Joan: *Sweat-drop*
Everyone: *Walks in and the door shuts behind him* *Scream in unison but Toms is more falsetto*
Logan: Man! I can't see anything in here. *Sees wax candle lit next to him and feels a hand on his shoulder* *Smiles* Thank you strange- *Freezes but then retains composure* Is that you Tom? *Looks to his left and sees Tom with a horrified look*
Tom: L-Logan look behind y-you!
Logan: *Turns to see a white glove* *Gives a deadpan expression* The guy with the razor blades might have had the right idea.
???: *Moans*
Logan: Do you have weak knees sir?
???: Yeeeeeeeeeees....
Sean: Dooooooooo you have any candy?
???: Mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmm.... *Pulls out a bowl that lights up the whole room and it has Hershey Gold, King Sized Kit Kat's, Large Gummy Bears, and etc*
Logan: Oh my god!
Sean: This is god tier!
Everyone: *Cheers*
(French Narrator: A few moments latel...)
L, T, S, and JO: *Happily walk away with their candy*
Word Count: 1072
Up Next: Black Friday, Black Friday 2: Mall Santa, and Eye On The Prize
Sorry that it took me awhile to upload this. I wasn't sure what to do with the second half of the skit due to the fact that many improv times go unfinished so I have to remake it while still retaining ideas and themes from the original skits.

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