All Nighter

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Josiah: *Jittering and sputtering nonsensical speech*
Zander: Is she okay? *Points to Josiah*
Oliver: Josiah? She's been studying hard for the Agriscience exam.
Thomas: But why though, animal classes are so easy!
Anthony: It's also on the animal kingdoms and that can sometimes be tricky to memorize in order.
Thomas: *Looks at the chicken scratch on Josiah's paper* Umm...Josiah.
Josiah: *Stops then snaps her neck towards Thomas* Yes Thomas?
Thomas: I hate to be that guy, but...
Josiah: Tell me. You can be 100% honest with me Tom.
Thomas: You have been studying the wrong notes.
Josiah: Wait what?! How?!
Thomas: You're supposed to be studying kingdoms, the ruminant stomach, taxonomic ranking, and classes, but you're studying crops, farm animals, and the cow anatomy.
Josiah: *Groans then slides notes off of desk* I don't know how I didn't notice! I guess I was just in the rhythm.
Zander: Well now that you're not catatonic, we can help!
Josiah: *Smiles* Really guys?
Anthony: Of course! We're your buds after all.
Josiah: Thank you guys, but if we're going to do this this we'll need to pull an all nighter.
Everybody: *Grin and high five eachother*
Josiah: Okay then! We'll need some caffeine!
Everybody: Hell Yeah!
(One raiding of a Dollar General later...)
Zander: *Chugs a 2 liter Mountain Dew*
J, O, T, and A: Ohhhhhhhhhh!
Zander: *Hic* Watch me! I'm about to do something. *Throws bottle towards trash like a basketball*
*The bottle misses the trash by 2ft*
Thomas: What were you even trying to do there?!
Zander: L-Land it in the trash can.
Josiah: Okay then. Let's try to study for the exam. *Grins while pulling out notes* This is the review sheet, We'll be using it as a reference. I will be acting as a teacher asking questions and we'll periodically switch around.
Everyone but Josiah: Yes mam!
Josiah: Okay then! The first section is about the taxonomic rank. Question one, "What ranking is the most common and which is the most specific?"
Thomas: *Raises his hand*
Josiah: *Points to Thomas* Thomas. What is it?
Thomas: The most common is Domain and the most specific is Species.
Josiah: Correct! Question two, "Which one is right in the middle of the ranking?"
*Notices that Zander is asleep* *Slaps Zander in the face with a ruler*
Zander:*Jolts awake* IpromisethatIwasn'ttheonewhoatethelastcookiemom!
Everybody but Zander: *Chuckles*
Zander: What was the question that was asked Josiah?
Josiah: *Gives a neutral look then sighs* I said, "Which one is right in the middle of the taxonomic rankings?"
Zander: Ehhhh...ummmm...Class?
Josiah: *Gives an annoyed glare then nods in approval* Correct. Are you trying to catch some Zzz's Zander?
Zander: *Mutters under breath* Dang that was kinda clever. *Says in a normal volume* Ha. ha. Very funny. What's the third question Mrs. Williams?
Josiah: *Takes a sip of coffee* "What does the genus and species of an animal make?"
Oliver: *Stretches*
Josiah: 'Time to pull a serious teacher card' Oliver!
Oliver: *Regains composure* Yes Josiah.
Josiah: You raises your hand right?
Oliver: Oh me! *Points to himself and chuckles* No, I was just stretching.
Josiah: You can still answer right?
Oliver: Yep! The genus and species makes the scientific name of an animal.
Josiah: Nice. "Give an example of a scientific name."
Anthony: The Lophiiformes or the Angler Fish.
Josiah: Nice! Now finally for this section, "What is the acronym for the Taxonomic Rank and what does it stand for?"
Josiah: And what does it mean?
Everyone: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species!
Josiah: Okay then. Who wants to go next?
Thomas: I'll go!
Josiah: Nice.
Thomas: *Clears throat* "What is the first chamber of the ruminant stomach?"
(One hour later)
Josiah: *Slams down her fifth cup of coffee* Okay t-then we d-d-d-did it.
Zander: *Yawns* Don't you think you've had enough coffee Josiah?
Josiah: That's rich c-c-coming from the guy who's in his eighth two liter of soda. We had to continue studying in the hospital!
Zander: Just leave and have fun. I'll be back to school in a couple of days according to the doctors. Please don't wor- *Yawns* worry about me.
Josiah: *Looks at Thomas, Oliver, and Anthony*
Thomas: *Smirks* We could have a little fun. Maybe we could prank the neighbors.
Oliver: W-We could go to the park.
Anthony: I like Thomas's neighbor idea.
Josiah: *Smirks* We could go to the neighbor we hate the most and tp and egg their house.
Thomas: *Quirks an eyebrow* But why? We have to be at school by 7:20 AM and it's 10:00PM. Don't we need the sleep?
Josiah: Anthony?
Anthony: Yes Josie?
Josiah: Pull out the montage button!
Anthony: *Grins* Oh hell yes! *Slams down on montage button*
*Scooby Doo chase sequence music plays in the background*
Thomas: *Pulls out some toilet paper* Are you ready?
Josiah: *Grins* Yeah! Eat dirt Mr. Johnson! *Throws a roll of toilet paper towards the roof of the house*
Anthony: *Pulls out a dozen hard boiled eggs* Screwball! *Throws ball at the corner of the front door* Want an egg Oliver?
Oliver: *Nervously sweats* No thanks.
Anthony: Your loss.
Thomas: *Nervously chuckles but then smiles* Can I?
Anthony: *Gives a closed eye grin* Of course! *Hands Thomas a egg*
Thomas: *Grins* Hows this for a throw? Curveball! *Throws the egg but it breaks the window* *Loses all of the color in his face* Dear lord...
Josiah, Oliver, and Anthony: *Sudden stop and stare in horror*
Anthony: *Stammers*
Josiah: What did you do?!
Thomas: How was I supposed to know that a hard boiled egg would shatter a window?! This is why I was kicked from the baseball team!
Josiah: Oh my god! This bad!
Oliver: Everybody shut up!
Josiah and Thomas: *Quiet down*
Oliver: Josiah! You should've tried to stop Thomas from throwing that egg but you were to busy throwing toilet paper around.
Josiah: *Hides inside of her sweater*
Oliver: Thomas!
Thomas: Eep!
Oliver: I am on the baseball team and I know that your pitch is too strong so my question for you is, why did you throw an egg?
Thomas: I-I just wanted to feel include-
Oliver: And Anthony!
Anthony: *Quirks an eyebrow* What?
Oliver: It was YOUR idea to prank the neighbor house at 10 o' clock at night. I didn't want to do this. I wanted to go to the park! We studied for the exam, pulled an all nighter, and the job is done. Let's go home. *Gets on his bike and rolls off*
Josiah, Thomas, and Anthony: *Look down in shame*
(The next day...)
Mr. Crawford: Okay class. Today we'll be taking the agriscience exam on what we've been learning the past few weeks. Do I have any volunteers to pass it out?
Oliver: *Raises hand*
Mr. Crawford: *Smiles* Mr. Hunter! Pass these out. *Hands him the exam papers* Once you get your paper, please write your name, the date, and block number. You have an hour.
(Two days latel...)
Josiah: *Looks at her exam paper* A +?! Heck yeah!
Thomas: Same here!
Anthony: Same here!
Oliver: *Walks up to them and chuckles* Same.
Josiah: *Turns to Oliver* Aren't you still mad at us?
Oliver: Well yeah, but I not nearly as much. I was just frustrated by the fact that you guys were acting irrationally. I mean, why did you even want to do that?
Josiah: I guess we just wanted to have a little fun since it would ease tomorrow's stress.
Oliver: Well okay then. Are you ready to go to math Josiah and Anthony?
Josiah and Anthony: Yeah!
Word Count: 1278
Thank you for 100 reads. This is the book that I have enjoyed writing the most and I am glad to see that people enjoy reading it. 😃

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