Toxic Wasteland

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Jacob: Is this the place?
Marshall: According to Google Maps this is the place. *Looks at his phone*
Luther: Jeez this place is a dump and it's hot. *Fans himself*
Jacob: How are we going to make are way around this place? *Wipes sweat off brow*
Marshall: We could probably ask whoever lives in that banged up shack over there. * Points to a shack that has wood planks that look like they are about to pop right off and the roof is made out of cardboard and is taped together with dollar store tape*
Luther: I don't know Marsh. Seems like it would be a better idea to ask that scaly looking guy over there. *Points over to a guy with a lizard tail, eye patch, and half scaly face*
Marshall: Okay how about this. You'll go over to that lizard guy and I'll go to the shack.
Jacob: What'll I do?
Marshall: You will watch Luther while he goes over to that guy over there. *Throws Jacob and Luther some walkie talkies* I brought these walkie talkies here just in case we had to split up or if things went south. Your second job for both of you is to check the walkie talkie every once in a while to make sure that I am okay in the shack. Okay?
Jacob and Luther: Yup!
Marshall: Okay. Three Amigos split!
Marshall: Okay then. Let's see what the other side of this door holds! *Jiggles the door but it does not open* Huh? Maybe there is a door knob. *Looks around only to see a pebble painted white taped to the wood* Is this really the doorbell? *Shrugs and then taps the pebble*
*Ding Dong!*
Marshall: *Eyes widen*
Luther: *Taps mans shoulder* Excuse me sir, do you know how to make your way around this dump?
???: *Turns around and snarls*
Luther: *Gasps*
Jacob: *Feedback noises* Luther! What's wrong?
Luther: *Feedback noises* This dude is on the verge of a breakdown.
Jacob: Maybe it's the mercury in this place causing cell decay which is causing erratic behavior and mood issues.
Luther: *Feedback noises* In English please!
Jacob: *Sighs* The toxins in his brain are making him angry.
Luther: *Feedback noises*
Luther: Come on b-buddy. You've gotta calm down.
???: *Claws slowly grow and sharpen* Gggggggg...
Luther: Huh?
???: G-Go!
???: *Feedback noises* *Roar*
Luther: AHHHHH!
Jacob: Luther! I have to get Marshall.
Marshall: So how long have you been living in this...cute little shack for?
???: I have been living here for a couple of years. The radiation was easy to get used to since I worked at the old nuclear plant so I had a hazmat suit to wear.
Marshall: Isn't it a bit lonely out here Miss...
???: Oh heavens! I am so sorry that I haven't formally introduced myself. My name is Dawn Kennedy and it is a pleasure to meet you Marshall.
Marshall: Thanks miss. Do you always wear that hazmat suit?
Dawn: Not always. I wear it for a good chunk of the day but I need to take it off for about an hour otherwise I will overheat. The temperatures can reach 102 degrees Fahrenheit so I have to take this thing off every 2 hours.
Marshall: What about when you're sleeping?
Dawn: Well...the Kennedys have always had a history of having Insomnia so the amount of sleep I get is perfecting for the times I have to take off the suit.
Marshall: Oh I am sorry to hear that. To be honest, you don't really seem like the type of person that would have Insomnia. How do I put this. You don't seem to be all that tired.
Dawn: Oh really? I'm glad you said that since that means that the tips are working.
Marshall: What tips?
Dawn: *Winks* Lady's secret...
Marshall: *Stares at the audience then shrugs* How old are you anyway.
Dawn: In about a month I should be 31.
Marshall: Oh really? Can you show me what you look like?
Dawn: Sorry my dear I can't do that at the moment since I need to fill the oxygen tank before I can take it off.
Marshall: Well that shouldn't be a issue Dawn.
Dawn: At first glance yes, but I have no idea how I will be able to leave to get oxygen.
Marshall: Well what's the problem?
Dawn: I have not breathed oxygen without the hazmat suit in 3 years so I have absolutely no idea how I would react to it.
Marshall: Can't you just wear it outside.
Dawn: That's the problem. I tore a small hole into the side of it. *Turns and shows a small hole in the Hazmat suit*
Jacob: *Feedback noise* Marshall!
Marshall: *Picks up walkie talkie* What's the matter Jacob?
Jacob *Feedback noise* Its Luther! He was attacked-I don't know-get any help you-can!
Dawn: Who was that?
Marshall: *Shoots up* That was my friend! He said that my other friend Luther was attacked.
Dawn: *Eyes widen* Attacked? *Ponders* Nononononono....that can't be possible.
Marshall: *Quirks an eyebrow* Whys that?
Dawn: I have lived here for 3 years and there is no life here besides the people that come by to take pictures or for news reports.
Marshall: *Holds our hand* That's does not matter right now. I need your help.
Dawn: *Ponders for a second then grins* Okay!
Jacob: Marshall? Crap! *Sweats nervously* What am I supposed to do?! I'm freaking out! *Slaps himself* Come on Jacob Craig Sorman you have to get ahold of yourself!
Marshall: Jacob!
Jacob: Oh no! My subconscious is making me hear Marshall's voice due to guilt!
Marshall: Jake!
Jacob: Why won't it go away?!
Dawn: Jacob!
Jacob: Huh? I don't recognize that voice. *Turns around and sees Marshall and Dawn* Marshall! Lady I have never met before!
Marshall: This is Dawn and she is going to help. I found her in the shack. Also, why were you not answering me?
Jacob: What do you mean? You weren't answering me!
Marshall: It does not matter now. Dawn and I are here to hel-
Luther: Help me guys!
Marshall and Jacob: Luther!
Dawn: Well what are you waiting for! Let's go get him!
Luther: Why are you attacking me?!
???: I-I am not in contro- *Roar*
Luther: *Eyes widen and staggers back*
Marshall: Hey ugly! *Lunges towards ??? and punches him*
???: *Grunts and turns towards Dawn*
Dawn: *Grimaces then takes a closer look at ???* Oh my god...
???: A-Aurora?
Dawn: *Tears prickle at her eyes* Marcus?
(Time Skip)
Marshall: So your real name is Aurora?
Dawn: Yes that is my birth name. We are originally from Rome, Italy and Aurora is the Roman goddess of Dawn so most people call me that, even my parents.
Luther: Sorry to interrupt your little Roman Mythology lesson, but that guy *Points at Marcus* is your brother?
Dawn: Yes he is. I have no idea why he is here or why he is the way he is but as soon as we looked into each others eyes I was sure it was him.
Marcus: I-I came here to visit you a couple of mon-months a-ago when mom and d-dad finally t-told me where you have actual-ally been.
Dawn: *Eyes narrow* What do you mean by that?
Marcus: We-We-Well I was told that you were on a j-job abroad in Eur-Europe for the past few years by mom and d-dad. I believed th-them since I thought they could b-be trusted. When they fi-finally told me I walked out in a fit of ra-rage. I came here to see y-you but the toxins re-really affected my b-body.
Dawn:I-I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. *Hugs Marcus*
Luther: *Whispers* Should we leave to not ruin the moment?
Jacob: Yeeeah probably...
Everyone but Dawn and Marcus: *Slowly tiptoes our of the room*
Word Count: 1338

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