Black Friday

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Wow. I checked and I am #1 in Skit. I am glad that I am there. Thank you all and now it's time for Black Friday. 😁
Update: Now my most impressive ranking is #325 in group chat according to Wattpad and I am #228 on skit. Welp...that's Wattpad for you.
(Groupchat skit)
Brent: *Stares at his watch* Okay, only a few more minutes before the store opens. Do you know what you're getting?
Tobias: *Shivers* Th-Th-Thank G-God! We have b-been out here so look t-that I had to g-get artifi-ficial toes! *Toes start to make robotic clinking noises* I'll most likely get a electronic f-fire place and some video g-games.
Brent: Well I have my eyes set on that fancy IPhone X. *Voice suddenly gets serious and monotone* Not the 11 Pro, that would make me look like an idiot. *Voice suddenly get cheery* I'll also get an Apple TV!
Tobias: *Blows cold air out of his mouth* Don't you already have an IPho-Phone 9? You know, the one that you got last wee-week.
Brent: No that was for my dad.
Tobias: Well I could a-add an IPhone 11 to my coll-collection-
*It suddenly starts to rain*
Tobias: Oh come o-on! *Shivers* Stupid global war-warming!
Announcer: *Beep* The stores opening will be delayed by an hour.
Tobias: *Deeply sighs* At least we still h-have the ten-
*Thunder strikes which causes the tent to turn into ash*
Tobias: COME ON!
(One hour later)
Tobias: *Sits there frozen into a solid ice block*
Brent: *Pulls out a pick hammer and lightly hits the ice*
Tobias: *Ice crackles and then shatters* *Rapidly looks left and right while saying* Whowhatwherewhenwhy?!
Lady: *Walks out of the store* *Eyes widen* Are you guys okay?
Brent: I am okay... *Looks at her name-tag* Sophie, but my friend over here looks like the personification of hypothermia. *Points at Tobias*
Sophie: *Takes a second look at Tobias* You're not kidding. He looks fifty below zero.
Tobias: *Does a sudden 180* I'm okay now. Is the store open yet? I lost all sense of time while in that ice block.
Sophie: It has been an hour and as promised the store will open!
*Gates open and reveal the automatic doors that leads to Walmart*
Sophie: *Walks towards the doors then faces everyone* Okay everybody! Follow me over to the door calmly, I'll unlock the other doors, and then *Playfully smirks* you can go nuts!
Everyone: *Cheers*
Sophie: *Unlocks the door* Go! Happy Black Friday!
Everyone: *Rush in and almost trample each other*
Tobias: Let's go! *Rushes towards the electronics section*
Brent: *Grins then runs with Tobias* I'm liking your attitude!
Guy 1: *Shoves multiple Smash Bro's switches into his blue cart* *Snorts* This is going to make a fortune!
Guy 2: *Shoves Xenoblade Chronicles Wii U's into his cart* These will be a collectors item in the upcoming years! Ufuufuufuufuufuufuu!
Sophie: *Runs towards Tobias and Brent* Seriously?! *Sighs in exasperation* Not these guys!
Brent: Who are they Sophie?
Sophie: Those guys are Donny and Scott. They come here every Black Friday and raid the electronics section of all of its valuable hardware.
Tobias: Oh come on! They're taking all of the electronic fireplaces. *Cups his mouth then shouts* There is no reason for 100 electronic fireplaces you mouth breathers!
Sophie: Okay. The thing they never take our Apple products because and I quote, "Samsung is the superior device due to its 12 gigabyte ram, resolution, and camera setup."
Brent: *Fist pumps* Yessss.
Tobias: *Looks over at the Apple products* At least I can get that.
Brent and Tobias: *Rush over*
Sophie: See ya guys! *Waves*
Brent: I'll get the IPhone X and Apple TV!
Tobias: I'll get an IPhone 11!
Tobias: Dang. Sophie was not kidding when she said that they basically wiped the electronics section clean. I wonder if they have a red Iphone 11? *Turns to see a red Iphone 11 shining from a shelf* *Grins* Score! *Grabs for the phone the same exact time as someone* 'Jeez their hands slimy' *Turns to see Donny up close*
Donny: I am a mouth breather you say?
Brent: *Eyes sparkle* So many options! What should I pick first? The IPhone X, Apple TV, HomePod, or the Apple Watch?
Scott: How about...None! *Tries to punch Brent*
Brent: *Grabs Scott's fist* Umm...*Grins* What the hell are you doing there bud? *Punches Scott in the nose*
Scott: *Holds his bloody nose* *Now nasal voice* Ow! Why'd you do that?!
Brent: Well...because you really deserved it. Didn't Sophie say you guys preferred Samsung?
Scott: Oh you mean the red head? She's right Donny and I do prefer Samsung. But the thing is...we want to make your time here...let's just say...unpleasant.
Brent: What's with the ...'s? We get it, your creepy!
Tobias: What is your deal man?
Donny: You offended me! Ufufufufufu...
Tobias:*Know it all tone* But you're a mouth breather.
Donny: *Reels in to kick*
Tobias: *Takes Donny's head and slams it through an electric fireplace*
*Sparks fly around them as Tobias roundhouse kicks Donny*
Donny: *Crashes into a plasma screen tv* Jeez! You're acting like a FedEx delivery man-
Tobias: And you're a valuable item.
Scott: *Yells from the distance*
Tobias: *Smirks* Looks like Brent giving Scott a hard time.
Donny: *Looks up at Tobias* I'll admit it. Scott said he'd try to rough up your friend. But I was not planning to until you provoked me!
Tobias: *Sarcastic tone* Oh I'm so sorry. Did I hurt your feelings you precious snowflake?
Donny: Yes!
Tobias: Okay *Crouches down* i'll make a deal with you.
Donny: I'm listening,
Tobias: You give me two electronic fireplaces, two Smash Bro's switches, and one Xenoblade Wii U for extra measure. If you do, Brent and I will leave you alone.
Donny: *Holds out hand* Deal.
Tobias: Your hand is a just a tad bit too sweaty for my liking.
Scott: *Regains composure and bull charges towards Brent*
Brent: *Grabs ahold of Scott's head and runs and slams Scott's head across the electronics shelf*
Scott: *Whispers* Y-You're shockingly stron-strong.
Tobias: Brent!
Donny: Scott!
Scott: I think I might have a couple of loose teeth.
Donny: Baby or permanent?
Scott: Four baby teeth but one permanent tooth.
Tobias: What the hell dude?!
Brent: What? I can see that you roughed him up a bit.
Tobias: We came to an agreement! *Sighs* Make sure to take him to the emergency center Donny.
Donny: *Nods* Okay.
Tobias: *Facepalms then deeply sighs* I am mad to say the least. Let's just buy our items and then we will be on our merry way.
Brent: I can explain.
Tobias: Really? What is it?
Brent: I tried to decide what to pick when Scott threw a punch at me. I grabbed is fist then punched him in the nose which led to him bull charging at me. This is what made me slam his face across the shelf.
Tobias: It's frustrating that you seriously hurt someone, but I guess it was warranted.
Brent: We should probably get to the checkout line.
(One walk later...)
Tobias: Oh God! Why is the line so long?
Brent: Wait, no, this is good. Usually the lines for Black Friday are 8 hours long.
Tobias: *Snaps fingers* Oh yeah! I remember how back in 2006 Black Friday my parents and I were in a line during Black Friday for 3 years.
Brent: So you were in that line until you were three?
Tobias: Yep.
Brent: Must have been a tough few years.
Tobias: It was actually pretty fun I remember how I used to make the employees furious because I would constantly eat food from the aisles and play video games from the electronics section. *Puts hand behind neck and blushes* I wasn't very good though since I was a toddler.
Brent: Man. You were living it up in a Walmart while I was shoving legos up my nose in a preschool.
Tobias: long should this line take.
Brent:...4 hours.
Tobias: *Groans*
(4 hours later)
Employee: Hello gentleman just put down your items and we will check them ou-you! *Points at Tobias*
Tobias: *Points at himself* Me?
Employee: *Clenches fist* Ponirós!
Tobias: *Gasps* Felix Dunkleman. How's it going you old sack of bones?
Felix: Not good and especially since you're here. I thought that I banned you after Black Friday 2009!
Brent: Wait! You're banned from this Walmart and you didn't tell me?
Tobias: I didn't think Dunkle Donuts was going to be here.
Felix: *Points at Tobias harshly* Don't you ever call me that! If you don't get out of here I will kick the ever living snot out of you!
Brent: *Scoffs* What's he going to do?
Tobias: From what I can remember he allegedly has a "black belt" in karate. I find that hard to believe.
Felix: *Cracks knuckles* That's because it's a lot harder to believe that an old man would injure a teenager than a toddler.
Tobias and Brent: *Look at each other then gulp*
(One beating latel)
Tobias and Brent: *Walk out with bruises and black eyes*
Brent: *Gives Tobias a dirty look* You could have warned me about this!
Tobias: At least I didn't commit a crime! You should be in prison doing time!
Random person in audience: *Sings* Unnnnintentional rhyyyyming!
Brent: *Coughs* Anyhoo...we should probably prepare for Christmas.
Tobias: Yeah. *Looks at the readers* We're doing a sequel.
Word Count: 1611

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