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Once Zim made his first step into his house, his angry, watery eyes couldn't handle all the kept in tears. One by one, they rolled down the ex-invader's flushed cheeks.
The hyperactive robot that currently occupied the couch was ready to let out his usual random screams to greet his master, but halted when he realized the state Zim was in.
Concerned and confused, Gir hopped off the couch and briskly ran to the alien, "master? What happened? Why are you SAAAD?? YOU WANT A CUPCAKE???"

Zim sighed in a frustrated manner and walked past his crazy SIR unit, flopping lazily and sadly on their couch. Rolling over to his side, he grunted, "I'm fine, Gir. Dib's just stinky...stupid Dib..."
The robot hummed in confusion, not understanding why Zim was so upset. He was curious to what made Zim this way, and why Dib was stinky. "Dib?? You mean Mary??? Isn't he your friend? What'd he dooo??"

"Gir! just...leave me alone right now. That's an order."

With a shrug, Gir ran to the next room screaming with his arms raised high. Although he was concerned, his attention span was terrible and an order is an order.

Zim threw his wig on the floor, leaving his contacts on top of the small table next to the couch, and then proceeded to curl into a ball, knees hugged up to his chest. Thoughts raced through his head as he rambled out loud.
"Stupid Dib...I don't need him. Ugh, why did he bother coming along with me?? He probably wasn't even going to stick around! He was probably going to ditch me later on...fuck. How stupid of him to think I would let him do such a thing. I did a good thing leaving..."
Zim frowned.
"He was probably going to leave me...why does everyone leave. Ugh-", hiding his face with his gloved hands, Zim's cheeks flushed from embarrassment when he felt more tears fall.

'Why is everyone leaving? Why does everyone...hate me? Dib...he was going to leave. Right after my leaders did-"

Zim groaned in anger. Furious tears rolled down his cheeks, unable to make them stop no matter how much he wanted.
Minutes passed with unwanted thoughts swirling through the small alien's head. These feelings were so unbearable and unnatural to Zim, and it just made him feel worse. He knew well that it was part of his defective side, he knew well it was a reason why his leaders didn't want him.
He couldn't handle it, he wanted it all to be gone.

And then knocking was heard.

Not wanting to be seen in such a state, Zim jolted up and hurriedly used his sleeve to wipe away the tears on his face. In a jittery way, he managed to put on his contacts and wig.
"Wait a moment!!" He yelled when he heard knocking again, this time sounding louder which made him feel increasingly nervous and irritated.
Who could it be??
Opening the door, his eyes widened to see the boy he couldn't keep off his head.
He looked agitated, as if a huge weight was on his chest. And it appeared that Zim's appearance was not helping, making him look even more worried.
"What is it, Dib-stink", Zim spat out his name with a hint of venom.

Dib was quiet though, ignoring the harsh nickname, eyes glued on Zim. His eyes softened, a look of concern now washing over the anxiety. Zim became self conscious under his gaze, now looking to the side to avoid anymore eye contact, "what?? Why did you come here? If you're not going to say anything then go"

Dib frowned, eyes still focused on the alien's face until he finally spoke, "have you been crying..?"

Zim's eyes widened at this, feeling a huge feeling of embarrassment weigh on him. Self consciously he hid his face by turning his head away. He wanted to yell at Dib that he hadn't been crying, that he didn't give a crap about him. But he couldn't. He couldn't get over the fact that he could've been so alone again. He lost his leaders, his one friend was going to leave him. He was going to lose purpose.
His throat tightened, and he found it difficult to let out any sound. So he kept quiet.

Dib seemed to see through him, and his heart wrenched. Guilt hang heavy on him, he wished he never let such a stupid secret slip. He wished he could've shut his stupid mouth and forget about his dumb plans. He no longer was planning on leaving Zim, he wouldn't want to. He found happiness with him, friend or foe.
He couldn't understand why he ever wanted to ditch the alien. Especially after learning that Zim's own leaders left him.

Dib's eyes began watering knowing how he made Zim feel, his heart strings pulled.

Zim couldn't see those glossy eyes as he was occupied with his own feelings of insecurity. His eyes began watering as well with how embarrassed he felt, and he was about ready to push Dib away and slam the door until he felt familiar arms wrap around his form.
He let out a small gasp, realizing Dib was now hugging him. overwhelming emotions bloomed inside Zim's chest and he couldn't keep them all in anymore.
A sob escaped his lips.
He felt Dib's arms wrap tighter.

Zim secretly hoped those arms would never let go. He doesn't want to be alone again.

"I'm really sorry, Zim. I don't want to leave you, I really don't. I was such a fool for ever thinking about it. You're a big part of my life. Fuck, youre my only friend- I- I don't know...I'm stupid-"
Dib was caught off guard when he felt a set of arms hug back.

"Shut up, Dib-stink"

(Word count: 981 words

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