Speaking Fate

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Fatespeaker was from the most feared and respected tribe in all of Pyrrhia! She loved it. Fatespeaker was wishing she grew up on the NightWing's secret island with other NightWings.

What was her home like? It was probably gorgeous, that would be Fatespeaker's guess. It might have trees touching the sky and the sun shined on them, creating patterns across the grass. They would have a huge castle made out of the finest bricks for royalty and the other NightWings might have beautiful houses that they loved.

Well, whatever her home was like, it had to be better than this place. This boring, damp, wet cave that had four other annoying dragonets in it.

See the positive, Fatespeaker told herself. Four friends.

Her friends, or really, the only dragonets she knew. Well, she was stuck with them either way so they might as well be her friends. They had to save the world, it was their destiny, according to Natulius. Their job was to stop a war and chose a SandWing queen.

Hmm... Blister, Blaze, or Burn. Personally, she would pick Blaze. Blaze didn't so sound too bad but Fatespeaker has a feeling every other dragon in her life would disagree.

Her friends were fighting each other again. Viper was their SandWing, and she was extremly rude. Flame was their SkyWing, and he was the most important dragon there because he was a SkyWing. Natulius had said their origanal set had a RainWing instead of the SkyWing. So any of her friends could be replaced but Flame and Flame knew that. Orche was their MudWing. He was always eating something and never wanted to talk or do anything. Finally, the SeaWing, Squid was just plain, flat out annoying. He always talked about how important he was or he was whinning.

Fatespeaker didn't like any of them but they had to be her friends for right now. She had no one else to talk to.

Why did her parents give her to the Talons of Peace? Why couldn't they have just kept her and kept her away from this place? Did they have to give her up? Was it their fault? Maybe it wasn't and they had no choice... but if the NightWings were so awesome, then why couldn't her parents have the choice to keep her?

Think positive, Fatespeaker reminded herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey NightWing! Don't bother to say a word about your stupid powers!" Flame snapped. She heard Viper and Squid laugh.

"I foresee--" Fatespeaker giggled, trying to get on their nerves. Maybe they'd laugh this time?

Instead, she got pelted with rocks and bones from their dinner.

"Nobody wants to hear what you see. Don't you get it yet, NightWing? We don't care," Viper growled as Fatespeaker opened her eyes.

She sighed and went to the edge of the cave. Fatespeaker watched the rain fall and wanted to cry. She wouldn't, though. If Viper, Flame, or Squid saw her cry, she'd never hear the end of it. The rain created puddles that showed her what the sky looked like. Fatespeker looked up at the sky.

Fatespeaker wished she could fly off right now, find the real Dragonets of Destiny, and save the world with them and save it her way. The Talons of Peace think they can contol the real and false Dragonets of Destiny.

But they're wrong.

Whichever set saves the world, will save it their own way.

Unless Squid's in charge. The he'll just demand treasure from everyone and make them bow down to him instead of trying to save the world.

Was this really Fatespeaker's destiny? Was she really cut out to save the world and chose the next SandWing queen? What if it went wrong?

Fatespeaker's head began to pound and she went numb all over her body. She tried to pull herself out of the vision but it wasn't going to happen today. The vision was overpowering her sense, making her feel like she was in a different place.

The black NightWing dragonet was walking with his friends toward the IceWing's territory. An older NightWing was in the ice. The older NightWing attacked them.

Fatespeaker saw the trees outside her cave. The rain was coming down harder than it had before and Fatespeaker slipped back into the vision.

The older NightWing had thrown a disc at the SandWing's neck. A RainWing grabbed one of the disc the NightWing dropped and had it up against his neck. They began to exchange words before the NightWing flew off. A pack of IceWings headed toward them.

Viper was hissing at Squid and Squid ran by Fatespeaker's side. She tried to open her eyes but her eyes stayed shut.

The young NightWing and his friends flew off, leaving the IceWings to the injured SandWing.

Fatespeaker had to admit, the young NightWing was cute. Everytime she saw him in one of her visions, she wished she could see him in real life. She wished one of her visions showed her with him. Fatespeaker was developing a crush on him, even though she only saw him in her visions.

Did he have visions about her? Was he already falling for her too? Maybe... just maybe.

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