Visions and Reality

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Starflight and Fatespeaker had a dragonet. She ran around and Starflight grinned. His bandage around his eyes was beginning to fall and Fatespeaker reached over to straighten it. Stella ran up to her dad and giggled. 

"And what are you giggling for?" Starflight asked, smiling.

"That mommy is so nice. I met Tsunami and Queen Glory for the first time yesterday. They were scary. Especially Tsunami. Why is mom nicer?" Stella asked.

"Because every dragon is different and you have to accept that and love the dragon for that," Sunny answered, walking in the room with Meerkat. He grinned at Fatespeaker, Starflight, and Stella.

"Sunny!" everyone exclaimed. They hugged her and she sat down with Meerkat. 

Fatespeaker looked at Starflight and he was gazing at Sunny. If this vision was real, he'd get over her and move on to Fatespeaker. She wasn't sure whether that should make her happy or upset. She had just heard a "Sunny, I love you" from Starflight. Fatespeaker frowned.

Fatespeaker did't know the library she was in but knowing Starflight, this was his choice. She watched Stella run out of the library and come back minutes later with a mud pie.

"For you, madam," Stella giggled.

"Why thank you, darling," Fatespeaker claimed, looking like she was going to eat it.

Starflight looked over at her guiltily as he let go of Sunny. Sunny was right, he was crushing on her and he was crushing on her hard. Fatespeaker felt jealous and guilty. He loved Sunny and now his heart was broken. Fatespeaker could change that, she could make him happy.

It seemed Starflight was blind in the future... why was that? When did that happen? Sunny had found happiness with someone else and they were in a library. How did Starflight read? 

Fatespeaker needed to stop worrying about the future and worry more the present. Fatespeaker took her position next to Starflight. The RainWings had decided to use blow darts instead of killing the NightWings. It made Fatespeaker feel better that they weren't going to kill her tribe unless absolutely necessary. She felt better about it.

Fatespeaker looked behind her and a very old RainWing glared at her. "What do you want kid?" the RainWing asked, not rudely but she didn't sound like she cared.

"Who are you? Are you confident we'll win?" Fatespeaker asked the RainWing.

"I'm Grandeur, a former RainWing queen. I don't think we'll win or lose. It's pointless to get your hopes up. Life will crush them and rip them to shreds," Grandeur claimed.

"Oh, don't talk like that. Have a little faith, we can do it," Fatespeaker stated before Queen Glory began to give her speech. Grandeur huffed.

What was her backstory? Why was she so hopeless?

Fatespeaker pitied her. Maybe one day before she passed, she could find hope once more. Maybe she will be happy one day, she just has to work for it.

Fatespeaker got the signal and they headed down the tunnel together, side by side. She was glad Starflight was at her side and no one else. Starflight was brave and selfless, and Fatespeaker loved him for that.

They touched each other's wing before plunging deeper into the darkness. The first few guards went down and Starflight hesitated for a minute before catching up to Fatespeaker. They continued to walk through the tunnels, leading the RainWings to their missing friends. Hopefully no more of them had died. 

She and Starflight did their job well. They found the missing RainWing prisoners and Glory did a quick demo to show the other RainWings how to get the chains off. The other RainWings ran off after Glory had finished and went to free the other RainWings.

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