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Fatespeaker was chosen.

That's what she was going to call herself from here on out, chosen. That was because Fatespeaker and only Fatespeaker could see the future and read minds. Even if her powers were somewhat pathetic.

She couldn't tell any other NightWing, they may torture her for the information on how to be able to do that. If she told them how, she may be accused of lying and keep getting tortured till she told them something believable. 

No one else could know her strength. This was her secret.

"I'm sorry, Farsight. I have to get going back... Morrowseer will be looking for me,. Trust me, the last thing you'd ever want, is to be in trouble with Morrowseer," Fatespeaker claimed, hugging Farsight. Farsight seemed super smart and because of her, Fatespeaker had answers to a few of her million questions. 

"I understand, stay safe," Farsight told her, hugging her back.

They let go of each other and Fatespeaker took off toward her cave, hoping Morrowseer wasn't back yet. If he was, she was already dead. 

Please, moons, let him be gone!

Fatespeaker felt bad she had thought that, but she wasn't going to hide her true feelings from herself. Besides, Morrowseer was so depressing and rude. Fatespeaker didn't like him and wasn't looking forward to spending a few weeks with him in this rotting hole.

Calm yourself, Fatespeaker. Nice things, happy life. Farsight was really nice. I liked her, she's like my adopted mom. Sweet! So a sort of mom! That's cool.

Fatespeaker walked back into the cave which was a mistake. Viper and Flame were screaming cuss words at each other, Ochre was looking for food and Squid was trying to yell over everyone trying to tell them he was more important. Fatespeaker sighed a heavy sigh. She wasn't going to stop this fight. She didn't have to be their parent.

Morrowseer landed at the edge off the cliff and looked at Fatespeaker. "Why aren't you in the cave?" He asked.

"Would you want to be in there right now?" Fatespeaker retorted, pointing at the squabbling dragonets. She wanted to take it back instantly. Morrowseer could kill her or make her life miserable. Fatespeaker made a mistake.

"Smart dragonet, maybe I do keep you for our NightWing dragonet. Next time, don't use that tone of voice," Morrowseer growled at her before walking into the cave. Fatespeaker got away this time but next time, she may not be so lucky. 

Morrowseer whipped her fellow dragonets into shape and got them all sitting in front of him.

"As you all know, you're our Dragonets of Destiny but what you don't know, is that you're our alternate set of dragonets in case something went wrong with the originals. One of the originals was a RainWings, so she will die and Flame will take her place, that is out of the question. Now the rest of you must compete against everyone else to become the 'true' Dragonet of Destiny. Flame, I still want you to train with us. Now, let's go," Morrowseer growled. He stormed out and everyone followed him.

Fatespeaker saw a dragonet being dragged into the NightWing's home. She thought it was the NightWing she had seen in her visions. If it was, she was sure, her soulmate had arrived.

Fatespeaker talked with the dragonet and Morrowseer walked in. He told everyone to kill the NightWing and everyone darted after him. Fatespeaker lingered  there and Morrowseer said he'd kill her if she didn't go after him. Fatespeaker ran after him in terror. She followed him into the tunnel and found him.

Was she going to kill him? Surely not, right? Maybe he wasn't a nice dragonet but Morrowseer seemed into not- so- nice to the dragonets of destiny. Ah! Fatespeaker just wanted to meet him.

"Why are you just standing there with your eyes closed?!" Morrowseer snapped. It got her back into focus and her heart began to race.

"I was..." Fatespeaker started. What should she say? Having a vision? Morrowseer knows it's a lie to keep the NightWings seeming better than any other tribe. "...wondering if we could meet the new dragonet those NightWings dragged in."

Fatespeaker pointed to the dragonet and Morrowseer's eyes lit up.

"Change in plans, go back to your cave. Right. Now," Morrowseer ordered. What was Morrowseer going to do to that dragonet? Should Fatespeaker stay here to make sure the dragonet stayed safe while he was unconscious?

Fatespeaker sighed and went back to the cave. Staying out there would mean getting herself and possibly the new dragonet in trouble or worse, killed.

"Aww, was that your boyfriend?" Viper snickered as they got back into the cave. "Do we need to beat him up for you?"

"I'll do it whether you agree or not," Flame piped up. He licked his lips in a scary way. 

"I'm hungry. Maybe dragonet roasted would taste good," Ochre exclaimed. "Ohh, we should test it on your boyfriend to see!"

"GUYS! He's not my boyfriend and you most certainly are not eating him! That's cannibalism!" Fatespeaker claimed, horrified. Who knew how nasty these dragonets really were!

"Just kidding, geez," mumbled Ochre. "Just hungry."

Fatespeaker saw Morrowseer coming. Morrowseer dropped the dragonet off and flew off without another word. Fatespeaker stood by his side so none of these dragonets tried to do who knows what!

Fatespeaker is honestly surprised she's lived  this long with these crazy dragonets.

She looked at the dragonet who was sleeping so peacefully. Who knows what their adventures would hold for them. They could be best friends, or worst enemy. She hoped they could become friends... Fatespeaker didn't want more nasty enemies.

They had to be friends, they we're both chosen.

The NightWing was obviously chosen  to be the NightWing Dragonet of Destiny. He had that heroic and brave vibe all around him.

She was chosen to be the first NightWing in probably centuries to have any sort of powers whatsoever.

And they could be chosen together.

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