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After everything, she felt closer to Starflight. 


It was such a pretty name and he was so amazing. Starflight was handsome, heroic, and definitely her soulmate. He was nearly perfect.

She and Starflight had taken Flame through the tunnel and they had flown back to the RainWing Village. Fatespeaker had met Sunny, the dragonet who Starflight always talked about in his sleep. Honestly, Sunny had made Fatespeaker feel pretty jealous.

She and Sunny were hanging out before the RainWing army decided to get on the move. Fatespeaker thought Sunny was awesome and she understood why Starflight liked Sunny so much.

Sunny was cool.

They shared a lot of the same beliefs but now Fatespeaker had to bring up the hardest topic yet... Starflight. They had to talk about him sometime or another. 

"So, Sunny, how do you feel about Starflight?" Fatespeaker asked.

"Well, we grew up under the mountain together and Glory and Tsunami had mentioned Starflight crushed on me when we had girls' talk after the boys went to bed. After I went to sleep, Glory and Tsunami would always talk a little bit more before going to bed," Sunny explained.

"That doesn't answer the question but cool. I'd love to have a girls' night with someone... never got to. Viper hated me," Fatespeaker said.

"That's awful. I don't understand how some dragons can be so mean!" Sunny exclaimed.

"Same here. It's like they're full of hatred. I hate it and I feel terrible for saying that but it's true. Everyone should just figure out how to get along and be nice," Fatespeaker claimed.

"Yeah... and to answer your question. I don't really know how I feel about him. I love him as a brother, you know. The other dragonets are like my siblings," Sunny stated looking over her shoulder. She looked back at Fatespeaker. "And how do you feel about him?"

Fatespeaker blushed. Sunny didn't like Starflight the same way Fatespeaker liked him. Maybe they could be really good friends. Fatespeaker said, "I like him a lot. He's so amazing and the worst part is he doesn't know it. I want to make him know it and help him boost his self esteem because he deserves that. I don't know if I'm the right dragon for that or--"

"You're practically made for each other! Don't worry about it. He probably likes you back anyway," Sunny interrupted. Normally, Sunny would never do that but in this case, Fatespeaker was glad Sunny had done that. "Don't let me get in the way of your happiness."

"And what about yours?" Fatespeaker asked her. She wanted Sunny to be happy too.

"My main goal in life is to the best I can in the world till I die. I want to be a dragon other dragons can rely on and come to if they need anything. I guess I've never thought about a soulmate because when you get a boyfriend, you crush someone else and I don't think I could live with myself knowing that. I just want to be everyone's go- to favorite dragon who lifts everyone's spirits up. I don't wanna hurt anything or anyone," Sunny told her.

Fatespeaker nodded. She shared the same belief as Sunny but the thought of a soulmate kept her going. She didn't want to be everyone else's emotional support and have none for herself. I guess that makes Sunny an even better dragon than me, maybe Starflight does deserve her, not me.

But Sunny doesn't want that and it's not right to force that on her. Sunny had said it, Starflight was mine. I feel a little guilty, though.

Fatespeaker was feeling Sunny's emotions right now. Sunny was happy and didn't even have a tinge of sadness inside her at the moment. It was so weird... Fatespeaker had never felt someone so happy.

Then again she was around the alternate Dragonets of Destiny and the NightWings and their miserable home.

I wonder if Glory would let me live here...

Fatespeaker was sure Queen Glory would let Fatespeaker stay in the rainforest instead of making her go back to the NightWing's Island of Death. Fatespeaker respected Queen Glory very much. Queen Glory radiated power but she never sounded harsh.

Besides, Glory already had two NightWings, a MudWing, SeaWing, and a SandWing. How much trouble could one more NightWing be? Well, technically, one NightWing was currently Glory's body guard and crush so he didn't really count.

How are the RainWings going to feel when their next heir is half NightWing. Or better yet, she could say half the tribe- who- kidnapped- their- friends- and- tortured- them.

She wasn't too worried about it, Glory was nice. 

"So, are you ready for this? I'm sure Glory would let you back out... it is your tribe, after all," Sunny asked.

"If I want to live in the rainforest, prove my loyalty to Queen Glory, and save innocent RainWings, I think I should fight. I should fight for what I want," Fatespeaker said proudly. She thought she sounded confident but Fatespeaker was lacking confidence right now.

"You sure?" Sunny asked again.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm sure," Fatespeaker told Sunny. Sunny nodded. "So are you a hybrid?"

Sunny shrugged. "I have no idea and I can't wait to find my parents. I might be."

"Oh! That would be so awesome if you were! Then you are the perfect example of tribes getting along!" Fatespeaker exclaimed. Sunny beamed. 

"I know I've already said this a lot but your scales are very pretty. I don't think I've ever seen a NightWing with such pretty scales," Sunny said. Now it was Fatespeaker's turn to beam.

"Yeah and guess what? I can--" Fatespeaker paused. Sunny didn't know the NightWing's were lying about her abilities and Sunny wanted the tribes to get along so bad, she may give away the secret or accidently let it slip. Fatespeaker liked Sunny but she also liked her tribe. She wanted her tribe to move to the mainland and their powers may be the only way they can do that.

"You can what?" Sunny asked. She looked curious.

Fatespeaker and Starflight marched down the hallways with RainWings behind them. The guards just dropped behind them and Fatespeaker felt guilty. She was helping another tribe hurt her tribe who had kidnapped citizens from the other tribe. It was super messed up. She and Starflight touched wings and Fatespeaker sighed mentally.

Fatespeaker saw Sunny next to her, touching her shoulders. She saw Sunny's lips move but Fatespeaker didn't have the faintest idea what Sunny was saying.

Their queen was is a cauldron of lava, rising out of it. Starflight, Glory, Greatness, and one other dragon looked scared. The princess and other NightWing looked like they were yelling at the queen as the queen stalked toward Glory.

"Fatespeaker, are you alright?" Sunny asked, with a panicked expression. "Did you have a vision?"

Fatespeaker realized Sunny was holding her up. Fatespeaker got up and stared at Sunny.

"No... I just... that happens sometimes," Fatepeaker lied. 

If she told the truth, Sunny would want to know what it was about. Then when Fatespeaker told her, she'd try to stop fate. And Fatespeaker knew that when you tried to stop fate, something was bound to happen that would complete what fate was set out to do. Fatespeaker knew that.

All she knew was that the Queen of the RainWings and her hopefully- boyfriend might die today.

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