Fatespeaker's Secret

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Fatespeaker kept all of her true visions a secret. She didn't want anyone to know she was serious because it could give them another reason to hurt her. Some dragons want to know their future too bad and that's their whole life... being paranoid about the future.

Fatespeaker didn't really understand it. She was more of a live- life- while- you- can kind of dragon. She tried to have a positive outlook on things.

But that was hard when you're stuck with four depressing dragonets.

Nautilus walked into the cave and Squid ran over to him and hugged his leg. Then he let go and walked proudly by his dad's side over to the other dragonets.

"Morrowseer is coming today to talk to you. I expect good behavior from everyone and if you whine, complain, say anything rude, or fight each other, the Talons will have your heads," Nautilus claimed, eyeing all the dragonets.

"Well, I can say what ever I'd like to and you'd never hand your son's head to the Talons," Flame pointed out. He stood smugly next to the wall.

Nautilus growled before walking out of the room and Squid follwed him out. Once he had left, Viper had launched at Flame, cursing. She continued to yell at him as they rolled around on the floor. Flame breathed fire at Viper. Viper raised her tail over her head.

"If you hurt me. Morrowseer will obliterate you!" Flame yelled and Viper jumped off of him. "That's what I thought."

Viper yelled a few cuss words at Flame before storming over to another corner. Fatespeaker head something, a voice. Fatespeaker whirled around to see Morrowseer with Nautilus at the entrance. The rain had disapperead and the sun was begining to set.

Morrowseer looked extremly ticked off. He looked like he wanted to pound each of the dragonets into the ground. He sent off an unsettling vibe as well.

Fatespeaker wanted to run, hide, and scream all at once. She was quite frankly scared of the large NightWing. Fatespeaker hoped that every NightWing was happier than Morrowseer. Why was Morrowseer so angry all the time? If the NightWing's were perfect, amazing, and lived in the perfect place, why was he upset? Maybe he didn't see the small things as good things like Fatespeaker.

Fatespeaker had actually found that seeing the good things in life helped her get through it. She counted the blessings the moons had given her and she was grateful for them.

Maybe ever dragon should do that. The world might turn into a better place if everyone was grateful for what they recieved and happy for everyone else's happiness.

That was a lesson every dragon could use.

Maybe when Fatespeaker saves the world and becomes a hero, she can spread that message to every corner of Pyrrhia. That way every dragon can learn how to be happy.

Morrowseer and Nautilus walked away with Squid clinging to his dad. Squid didn't understand how lucky he was to have a dad who loved him in the Talons of Peace. His dad was their guardian which meant he checked on them very often and did his best to raise them. Squid always had his dad close by while everyone else had to wonder what their parents were like.

Fatespeaker wanted to see her parents, no matter how nice or awful. She just wanted to know they were alive and that they were out there somewhere. It gave her something to wish for, to keep her going.

That and the cute NightWing dragonet in her visions.

What could his name be? How does he act? Is he truly Fatespeaker's soulmate? She wished a vison could answer those questions instead of giving her useless information, like, what he was doing at every moment (though, she didn't mind that TOO much).

Her visions weren't strong, they were very weak. The vision would fade in and out and most of the time didn't make much sense. Fatespeaker wished she could see the exact future and what could happen. She wanted to know.

But then again she didn't. She wanted a little surprise in her life every now and then. Surprises were fun, especially if they're the good ones you don't see coming.

Fatespeaker wished to go to the NightWing's home even more now. Maybe NightWing powers were stronger there or somebody could help her powers become more impressive. Maybe it took practice and patience.

Morrowseer walked back into the room and a little voice had begun to speak in Fatespeaker's mind. She shivered, it felt cold.

I... dragonets... great! She heard in her mind. That wasn't her thinking, but merely another dragon. It must have been Morrowseer's thoughts since she hadn't heard anyone else's until Morrowseer arrived. That was strange. Do powers come overtime with age?

And why could she only hear a few of the NightWing's thoughts and strong emotions from the other dragonets? Fatespeaker was becoming more and more confused.

"DRAGONETS!" Morrowseer yelled over Viper and Flame's screaming. "We're going to take a trip to the NightWing's home and I'm going to train you for battle, you useless worms."

"Why must we go THERE?" Squid complained from behind his dad.

"Because I said so, you little runt. Shut up, before I decide Tsunami would be a better Dragonet of Destiny. My options aren't great for SeaWings so don't make me mad. I either get the fiesty, arrogant SeaWing or the weak, complaining you," Morrowseer snapped.

Fatespeaker had never seen Squid so close to tears and so afriad. Sure, Squid feared Viper and Flame but she had never seen that level of fear in his eyes. It made Fatespeaker feel bad for him.

"Anyone else who'd like to offer a complaint? The floor is open," Morrowseer growled.

"Well, since I can't die or be replaced, I say you kill all of these incompetent, whining dragonets," Flame claimed. He eyed Morrowseer and Morrowseer growled again. Flame grinned.

Fatespeaker began to worry. Morrowseer said he would dispose of whicher dragonets he didn't want to save the world. Why did Morrowseer get to chose? He can't change fate! But what was going to happen to the other NightWing dragonet? Who was going to live?

They both had to live, Fatespeaker knew it. They were meant to be, she was sure of it.

But first, she was going to learn where the NightWing's secret place was at and, hopefully, learn who her parents were.

That was assuming she survived Morrowseer on the way there.

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