😎When you first speak😎

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Author-chan: your 2

Your mom, Charlie has been so busy that Alastor had to watch you and it was no fun. You wanted him to know that. You heard Charlie say Happy Hotel alot. You were desperate for attention, "ha-happ-" you blabbered you got everyone's attention they stared at you "happy ho-hot-hotel, happy hotel" you yelled everyone had tears in their eyes, even Alastor. Let's say you got alot of attention. And Charlie was happy.

Vaggie was cooking and you touched the stove and you cried and yelled "FRICK" everyone stared, Vaggie ran to you and picked you up she squealed and so did you, everyone looked so happy, so did Alastor especially because he taught you (wink,wink)

               Angel dust
Your dad was about to leave for 'work' but you didn't want him to, so you thought of any word you could use. You thought and what managed to come out is a cry. Angel came over "I have to go to work I'll be back" he was about to go until you screamed "Daddy" He turned around and smiled but couldn't help it. He ran towards you and picked you up "You can't call any other boy daddy" he said sternly, you just smiled you stopped your dad from going to work.

You have climbed all the way on top of the chimney and you were waiting for your dad to come and find you. It had been at least 26 minutes and he hasn't found you. You got scared realizing that you were in the air so you tried to speak but all that came out was a scream. Everyone was in the room but couldn't see you "DADDY" you screamed and everyone looked at you in awe, you realized everyone that in the room was not her daddy. She started to cry LOUDLY which in fact got the attention of a certain radio demon. He got you down and you hugged him saying "daddy" he smiled at this they called you the climber.

Author-chan: Hello again, i hoped you enjoyed. Have a great day. And sorry but i might not update as fast as i hope, bye❤

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