😂Funny stories😂

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You were running down the hill at the playground. Charlie was watching you, laughing at you when you would roll down because you went too fast. You were going so fast you rolled over Alastor. Everyone bursted out laughing, except Alastor he looked angry. He stood up and looked at you. He picked you up and made you roll down the hill again. Which you rolled over some rocks, which got you scratched. You kept in your scream, you rolled in front of the whole group you grabbed your arm saying "shiz" angel bursted out laughing and everyone else stared at you. You had to dress up as a old lady to get away from your mom.

You wanted to learn how to use a spear, but you were young. So you decided to ask Alastor he was in front of Vaggie. You ran to Alastor. "Can you show me how to use a spear?" You pleaded, he chuckled "please dad" you shut your mouth you just said dad to Alastor, in front of Vaggie. You just stood there in shock and so did Alastor. Vaggie was blushing hard, you stayed quiet after that. You guys laughed it off though, Alastor teased you about it.

     Angel Dust (short)
You woke up, happy. You walked until.... You saw a SPIDER, you screamed so loud. Everyone came running, but sighing in relief seeing you fine, but you pointed to the spider. Everyone screamed and ran, yup, even Alastor, because it was your dad. Alastor ran away because of Angel triggering him

You were going to prank your dad, Alastor, about dying. You got ready and was in a pose you screamed falling to the floor 'dead' everyone came running. Everyone gasped as they looked at your lifeless body. Alastor ran up to you holding you crying. His smile left his face, then it came back standing up with you in his arms. You sat up in his arm screaming, he looked at you shocked, he found out it was a prank he tickled you over and over again until you peed yourself. Which made you go red, you ran up the stairs and changed.

Author-chan: here ya go my reader's, I hoped you liked it, I will be posting alot next weekend, anyways bye my reader's ❤️❤️❤️


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