🍺Husk catch up! Part 1!🍺

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                                 How you meet (husk's p.o.v)

I was walking home and a women ran up to me and gave me a baby. I looked down at the baby and saw the baby smile at me. I felt my wings wrap around the baby. I geuss I could take it home and be it's new gaurdian. I noticed the baby giggling and reaching up to me.

This fells nice. I walked off towards the hotel.

                               When you meet the others

I walked through the doors with the baby in my hands, I like the kid, and I finally have someone to love. I was pulled from my thoughts when the group came up to me, I groaned. I was about to pull away when Charlie looked at me and said "(Y/n)" I nodded and smiled which was really weird because I rarely smile.

Alastor came up and whispered something in (y/n)'s ears, (y/n) giggled and clapped her/his hands. I started to talk to the others, this girl/boy is changing me.

                                       Who babysits you

You were playing around and Husk came over "I got to go, Alastor will watch you." You smiled and giggled, then your dad left. Alastor came in and sang you a song and you hummed along and clapped your hands at the end. Alastor smiled and danced with you in his arms.

Husk came home and played with you and Alastor.

                                     When you first speak

Your dad was sad today, you were sitting in your crib when you heard your dad crying. Your dad walked in fell on his bed crying, you sat down and watched your dad. You were thinking on how to cheer him up. You found out and breathed in "Da-" Husk sat up and started at you "Da-" he walked over to you and picked you up "Dada!"

You saw your Dad smile, he ran around the hotel showing everybody your first word, leaving you a giggling.

                                    When you first walk

You were playing around with Alastor's hair and Al got up and went to the kitchen, you saw your dad walk by and you wanted to follow him. You got up and stumbled and then you walked then ran to your dad, your dad looked back and smiled "You're growing up!"

You just giggled, this time you knew how to stop running so you didn't run into anything.

                                When you want attention

Your dad was talking to the squad and you were in your bouncy chair, you wanted to go over there to your dad and Al. You were bouncing and you sighed, how am I gonna get there attention. All of a sudden a spider came down (No, not Angel this time🤣) and it looked mean.

You screamed and started to cry, your dad and Al rushed over. They picked you up "What's wrong dear" Alastor said you pointed to the spider "Spider" Angel got offended and Vaggie just laughed along with Charlie.

                               When a boy/girl asks you out

You walked in the hotel "Daddy?" Husk came in and bent down Al came in to "Yes?" you looked out the door then back "This boy/girl asked me out, and I didn't know what to say?" Daddy stiffened and Al just walked out the door.

Your Dad talked about how your too young to date and how people down here are too mean and should not be messed with. You nodded but you never got to see the boy/girl again!

                                 When you get hurt

You were walking through the hotel just minding your own business and then you felt something crawl on your hand "Huh?" You asked them felt a searing pain in your hand and screamed. Your Dad and Al ran in and saw you on the ground holding your hand in pain.

They rushed over to see what happened and your hand was swollen and turning purple, and it hurt. You just got bit by a spider. Husk cuddled you for the rest of the day.

                                       Funny moments

You were walking down the stairs and you saw Angel drinking and he grabbed you and started to sing "I love you, you love me were a happy family~" you blushed and pushed him away he pertend he was on the moon.

He was screaming and he tripped and died a.k.a. passed out. You laughed so hard then you somehow got drunk and did the same thing. Husk scoulded you.

                                       When your sad

Your friends ditched you for the mean girls and you ran in and sat on the couch and sobbed. Al came in and walked out of the hotel, then your dad came in "What's wrong angel" you looked at him then looked down "Friends ditched me for the mean girls" he nodded.

He comforted you and shared his backstory then you both cried together. You guys eat junk food and you didn't have to go to school anymore!

                                  Loosing your first tooth

Angel was drinking and you were playing with Al, Angel was drunk as heck. He was slurring and being a weirdo. Charlie and Vaggie were just talking and you walked up to Angel and regretted it after.

His elbow slipped causing the beer bottle to whack you in the mouth. Al and husk almost killed Angel, Vaggie and Charlie held them back mostly Charlie tho. You saw something white on the ground and you saw it was one of your teeth. You fainted.

                When you get lost and when they find you

Husk and Al were taking you to the park and you played around, you saw a dog wonder into this ally. You ran after the dog and it was like a maze, you wondered around like the puppy. You heard a voice and you ran the opposite direction.

You were so scared, you saw the exit and your gaurdian. You cried happy tears and ran into your dad's arms. They hugged you tightly and held your hand to make sure you didn't wonder away again.

                            If you ever have a sugar rush

Al left the room, there was this tempting bowl of candy. The bowl was big and I mean really big. I walked over glared at it "UGH! STOP TEMPTING ME" you could hear Al laughing. You eat all the candy "Hey Al,Al,Al,Al,Al,Al,Al,Al,Al" he came in confused and face palmed when he saw you jump everywhere.

You felt Al tie you down to the couch, he left for 10 seconds but he came back to you on the ceiling. Yes the ceiling. He got one of his shadows to get you down. You got back up but fell down due to a strong sugar crash. Al caught you then had to explain to a confused and angry Husk, who thought that Al drugged you.

A/n- Sorry it took soooooo long, I will work on the chapters I don't know how many chapters tho. I hoped you guys enjoyed! Stay safe so Alastor doesn't have to kill anyone! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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