😳When you get lost😳

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I was walking to go meet my grandparents, to be honest I didn't want to. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see that my Mom was gone, I freaked out. I couldn't find her and I was too scared, I couldn't think where the Hotel was. I went into the alley and sat down hiding from murders. I pulled out my stuffed (insert f/a) and cuddled it.

I clinged onto my Mom not wanting to get lost, but I found a deer and I followed it. It was (insert
f/c) and it was cute I went after it, it took me awhile to realize that I didn't know where u was. I ran around and got hit in the head with a tree branch hearing the dear coming close.

               Angel dust
Your Dad decided to get his 'medicine', and also decided to bring you along. You put your head down and groaned, not wanting to go. You didn't realize that you were lost until you finally looked up, and the whole street was filled with complete strangers. You panicked, this was Hell anything could happen, somebody could kidnap you. You ran into a alley and started to cry silently, hiding from the strangers.

You never got lost. You were always clinging to Alastor. Too afraid to let go, in fear of getting lost. This one time you tripped because you were too focused on your staying with your Dad. This made your Dad laugh, and you.

Author-chan: hoped you enjoyed have a great day my reader's ❤️❤️❤️

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