First Day- readers pov

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There you were standing in your two sizes too big grey cardigan, white button up shirt and black leggings at your new school. Of course you were wearing your trademark fedora hat and black combat boots.
People were staring at you like you were a freak. You could hear other girls whispering about your black lipstick and dark makeup. Some guys who walked past you called you lesbian and a tranny.
You didn't understand why you had to move to a new city.. New state. You were accepted where you used to live. You had friends. Now you have no one.
You leaned on the wall behind you already horrified by the new school.
'Hey, Jacko!' Some plastic came towards you with her sidekicks.
'I really don't think that anyone would be offended by someone calling them that.' You said calmly while looking at your phones screen.
'Where did you get your clothes? From your granny's closet?' She asked and her sidekicks laughed.
You ignored them.
'Hey, you should find someone else to bully.' A male voice said.
You looked at him and you saw this dreamy looking boy with blond curly hair and amazing smirk.
'Oh okay..' The girl said and backed away while panicking.

'Wow what have you done to them? They practically screamed and ran away! That was amazing!' You said.
'Nothing really. I just have that effect on people.' He smirked at you.
'Well you don't have that effect on me. I'm ______ by the way.'
'I'm Tate. I actually live close to the murder house.. Your place.'
The bell rang.
'I got to go. Talk to you later.' He said and disappeared.
'Wow wait! Murder house?!' You yelled at his back but he didn't hear you so you decided to go looking for your class.

You decided to skip the last two classes. It was the first day of the semester so the day was shorter than usual days would be but you were just fed up with the people and trying to find the blonde guy.

You lit your cigarette and stepped on your pennyboard. Your penny was from pink to lilac fading and it had yellow wheels. It was really ugly but you had insisted to get one last year so your parents got you the girliest one they could find.

'______! Wait!' You heard Tate screaming your name. You stopped immediately.
'Hey.' You said as the boy ran to you.
'Hi' he panted.
'So tell me about murder house?' You asked.
'Sit' he said and sat down on the ground.
As you sat next to him he started telling the story from the beginning, story about how every owner of murder house had died in there tragically.
'Oh cool. Do the people hunt the place?' You asked after Tate jabbed about murder house for 15 minutes.
'Yes.' Tate answer quickly.
'How do you know?'
'I.. I just know.'
You kept talking about the house and other stuff for hours just sitting next to each other for few hours.
'You know Tate, it has been an amazing time today but I really need to go. Come over anytime you want because you clearly know where I live.' You stood up.
'Thanks. I'll see you later then?' He smiled he turned away.
'Tate wait.' You said, 'I usually don't do this but. You just have this funny effect on me.'
You pulled the blonde boy closer to you and reached to kiss him. Your lipstick smudged all over his lips.

'You should probably wash your face before going home.' You laughed as you stepped on your penny ready to leave.
'You think so.' He smirked.
'Yeah. Bye now' you waved at the boy.

Black lipstick- reader x Tate Langdon scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now