As I swam to the surface of the lake, I propelled myself to fly through the air and land on the rocks. One of the perks of having a tail! I willed myself to become human again, so that I could hurry back to the castle. My form shimmered, and I was left with my two, perfectly human legs. My robes reappeared along with them. It seems that they disappear when I change forms. I hurried back to the castle so that I would get to Transfiguration on time. Minnie would most likely kill me if I was late to her lesson on my first day!
I reached the classroom with five minutes to spare. I walked over to James and Sirius who were joking and laughing together.
"Hey, guys!" I said cheerfully.
"Hey, Ro! Are you feeling better now?" Asked James.
"Yeah," I grinned. "I'm feeling really blessed at the moment." I said trying to stifle my laughter. They just looked at me like I had grown a tail. Which I definitely hadn't because I checked. "Never mind, inside joke!" I chuckled.
"Anyway..." Began Sirius. "Are you looking forward to Minni's first lesson?" He asked. It seemed James has influenced him into calling her Minni! Poor Minni.
"Yeah!" I exclaimed excitedly, "transfiguration is so cool!"
"I know!" James agreed whole heartedly as he fiddled with the strap of his bag.
"What's so great about transfiguration?" Asked Sirius.
"Being an animagus is part of transfiguration!" I pointed out smugly.
"Oh yeah!" He laughed. "Wouldn't it be amazing if you could be an animagus? I mean, turning into animal whenever you wanted! That's pretty awesome!" He exclaimed.
"Yes, it is, Mr Black." Said a sharp voice from the doorway, "but I can assure you, it is very difficult transfiguration and is very, very advanced magic." McGonnagall explained sternly.
"Yes professor." Sirius mumbled with his head bowed.
"Now," she said sharply to the class, "come inside and sit down at a desk, in the order boy, girl."
We all shuffled into the classroom and bustled about getting into the correct order. I sat at the back between Sirius and James, and Lily sat one row in front if us beside Remus and Frank, who had Alice on his other side.
"Quiet now," instructed Minni sternly, "I want all of you to take out your wands, and attempt to transfigure these matchsticks into needles." Minni then took out her wand, pointed it at her matchstick and said very clearly, so that we all could hear, "transmutare." Her matchstick swiftly changed into a shiny needle.
"You may begin." She instructed, and everyone rushed excitedly to take out their wands and attempt the spell.
Whilst we were all waving our wands about, and shouting the incantations, Minni simply sat atop her desk in her animagus form, a cat.At the end of the lesson, most of us had managed to tranfiguration at least 5 matchsticks into needles, James, Sirius, Lily and I had managed over 10, and we began to gather our bags and stand behind our desks waiting to be dismissed and and go to lunch.
"You may go." Barked Mini sternly.
We all scampered down to the great hall for charms. Wow. Minni sure is magnificent for keeping James and I out of trouble all lesson. I am telling you, that woman is God.
As we began to make our way to Charms, I began to feel slightly light headed and dizzy. At first I thought nothing of it, until we sat down at our desks, I sat with James and Sirius again, and Lily, Remus, Alice and Frank were all sitting in front of us.
Mr Flitwick had just been explaining the art of charm work when-
"I say! Miss Silverwell Heartweather! Are you alright?" He asked, concerned, as I began to sway in my chair.
"I-I'm f-f-fine..." I whispered before I began to seize up and shudder violently, and then collapsed in a heap on the floor, losing consciousness as the darkness consumed me.
The Blessed One
ФанфикRose Silverwell Heartweather is a Witch attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry along with her best friend, James Potter. She has a destiny, but is it a destiny she can fulfil? Rose has a difficult life ahead of her, filled to the brim...