Chapter 4.

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Ally POV

Once we arrive Perrie parks her car and we step out. It looks completely different from this morning people are swarming inside and out, there's loud music pounding and nearly every college student has a drink in their hand.

"Oh my god."I whisper to myself. Perrie must've heard because she lightly laughs and says, "Yeah the parties they throw are always packed out like this. It may be all fun but just be careful though frats may try to get with you and some drunk assholes will do terrible things to a pretty college girl like you. Just try and avoid them as best you can."

We make our way up to the front door and step inside, the strong smell of alcohol and smoke fills the crowded room. Perrie spots Zayn off to the side and after making sure I'll be okay leaves me to go and dance with him. I can't help but have a strange feeling someone is watching me.

I look around and see people making out on the couch, against the wall or just standing in the middle of everyone's way. Girls are also on the dance floor in minimal clothing grinding against random guys or pushing their boobs out in the so called 'shirts' while also sticking their butts out desperately seeking their attention.

I move through the sea of peopel and to the kitchen. It's more excluded and not as crowded as the other parts of the house.

I turn around to look at everyone when I feel two hands strongly grip my waist, "Hello gorgeous." a deep manly voice whispers directly next to my ear "aren't you a sexy little thing." His breath smells like alcohol and I can automatically tell he's drunk. I don't like the way he's talking like that it makes me feel so vulnerable and exposed. I despise that feeling so much.

"No thanks." I say trying to remove his arms. He puts them straight back there "Aw come on, We could have some fun together." His voice alone makes me feel sick. "I said no!" I say stronger than last time. "I don't think you mean that." He moves his hand a little lower down my waist.

"She said no Kevin!" A voice speaks loudly from behind us. I turn my head to face Niall standing their with his eyes narrow loooking at Kevin who immediately removes his arms and mumbles a 'sorry' while turning and walking into the crowd. Wow Niall really does run this place.

"Do you want a drink?" Niall asks when I turn to face him.

"Yeah sure." He pours something into a cup and hands it to me. I take it and tilt me head to let the strong drink glide down my throat, I feel the burn and screw my face shut. Niall laughs, "Do this much." He states sarcastically, "Do you want to come outside with me?" He asks. I shouldn't but I dont know anyone here and I don't want to dance by myself. "Okay."

I follow him past people that all nod or acknowledge him in some way. Once we finally make it to the back patio we sit down on some chairs and I turn to face him "So where are you from?" I immediately ask.

"Woah straight into asking questions, I'm from Mullingar in Ireland." He says. "Your turn."

" I'm from London."

"Right well that's enough talking." He closes the subject quickly and leans into my lips. I pull back quickly, "What the hell?" I stand up. He looks up to me before saying, "Aw come on don't you want to have some fun?"

"No!" I say, "Do I look like someone who would just do something like that with someone I don't even know." I say louder than I intended because some people sitting close by start to look.

"Ahh so your that type of girl."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say harshly but quieter than before.

"A prude that's still a virgin in college and never gets drunk or goes to parties." He says. Okay. That was harsh. My ex-boyfriend only ever used to hit me he never did anything sexually so I am still a virgin but it still hurts to have it thrown in your face like that.

"Well I'm sorry if I am not the type of girl to just throw myself at random guys and sleep with whoever offers. Or the type that drinks all the time and gets drunk and parties every night. I'm sorry that I'm not like all the other sluts who throw themselves at you to get your attention to sleep with!" I quickly turn around and walk back into the house as fast as possible while wearing heels and trying to avoid people's judgmental stares. They are probably thinking there is something wrong with me for talking like that to Niall Horan or not taking him up on his offer.

I walk back into the house and the music seems to have gotten louder but I'm just not in the mood anymore. I'm in the mood to go back home and cuddle in bed sleeping. I look around the house to find Perrie and spot her on the couch making out with Zayn. I walk over and clear my throat in front of them. She turns her head and faces me, "Um would we be able to go home now I'm not really in the mood"

"Yeah of course." She gives me a knowing smile reading my face expression. She turns and gives Zayn a last kiss before standing and leading the way to the exit.

While we are walking out I stop and look up to see Niall leading a blonde girl up the stairs to the rooms. Well that didn't take him long. Perrie turns around and sees me looking "That would be his one nighter tonight, he will just kick her out in the morning poor girl. Come on." She states walking out the door.

Once we are back at the dorm and laying in our seperate beds Perrie says, "I hope you know tomorrow you are telling me what happened tonight."

"Mmhm yep." I sleepily state.

As I fall asleep I can't help but wander about Niall. He's so mysterious. I mean when we were talking about where he was from he shut down the subject so quickly. What's his story?

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