Chapter 8.

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Ally POV

The weekend, as always, went way to fast and right now I am getting ready on a very tiring Monday morning for class. Perrie has already left to meet up with Zayn earlier so I have to get ready by myself. I brush my teeth, eat breakfast and get dressed before heading out on campus for classes today.

I walk into English, which I have with Niall, and spot Perrie and the other girls in our seats in the second last row. I'm surprised to see Niall walking in the door before class actually starts and sits in the same seat as last week, behind me.

The professor comes in and begins the lesson. When it finally ends I walk down only to be stopped by Amy. I try to walk around her but she blocks me, "I need to talk to you."

"Ummm what?" I try not to sound rude but what could she possibly have to talk to me about.

"You need to stay away from Niall he is mine."

"I never did anything with him."

"Bull shit I saw you with him at the beach so I'm just warning you. You better stay away from him sweetheart or I will make your life hell."

That just makes me angry who does she think she is making threats like that especially over Niall?

Before I say something I might regret I simply say, "Don't worry sweetheart he's all yours." With that I turn and walk out of the room.

I can't concentrate much on classes for the rest of the day because Amy's words keep running through my mind. He's hers. I thought he didn't date? They can't be in a real relationship. Perrie said they were on and off fuck buddies? All these questions fly through my mind but for some reason I know he isn't with Amy seriously because he seems to strongly make sure people know he doesn't date so Amy can't be serious about what she said. Can she?

The rest of the day flies past and before I know it I'm waking up and getting ready for the next day.

I walk around on campus to my class when I see Amy and her posy walk towards me. She walks straight past me with the biggest smile on her face. Umm okay.. What is that about? Why is she smiling at me when yesterday she was threatening me? I choose to ignore it and get through my next class.

As I'm walking home that afternoon I turn the corner but quickly turn back around when I see Niall and wait...... Amy?

I peer around the corner cautiously but enough to see them. They are in an intense make out session against the wall all while grinding against each other.
They pull away and Amy smirks before saying, "We on for tonight again?"

Again? What?

I shouldn't even be shocked at this. No wonder Amy gave me a smile before. I should turn around and walk home because I couldn't care less about what they do together but somehow my feet stay glued to the ground.

I was in for an even more shock when he replied,


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