Chapter 14.

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Ally POV

I turn my head over the next morning and feel something. A hand under my shirt, resting on my hip. I slowly open my eyes and see Niall with his eyes still closed, mouth slightly parted as he peacefully sleeps. Our legs are touching and I take the time to admire the way he looks when he sleeps, so young and calm.

He starts stirring and opens his eyes blinking. "Good morning." His morning voice makes his accent stronger and he sounds deeper. He lifts up and plonks back down on the pillow pulling the blanket up over us and looking at me.

"Morning." I reply rolling over to look at him.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks mirroring my actions making us face to face.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I ask him back.

"Do you want to go somewhere? I know a place in the woods that nobody ever goes to."

"What's with you and taking me into the woods?" I have to ask him.

"Cause it's private and I like taking you to places where no one else is around." He shrugs.

"Aw okay." I decide to leave it at that.

He gets out of bed pulling his clothes on.

I get changed in casual clothes and meet Niall back outside where we make our way to the place he is taking me.

We drive for a while in silence with the music playing in the background before he pulls up and stops the car. We climb out and I notice a lake straight away. It's surrounded by trees and it's completely calm and peaceful with no one else is around.

"Niall why didn't you tell me there was a lake I didn't bring my bikinis?"

"Whoops guess it slipped my mind." He gives me a smug smirk.

"No I am not going in there with no clothes on."

"I was going to say in your underwear but we could do that option instead." His face holds a mischievous grin.

"No I'm not going in my underwear."

"What it's the same as your bikinis?"

"I suppose so." I mumble playing with the hem of my shirt.

"That was easier then I thought." He says pulling his shirt over his head and sliding down his jeans leaving him standing in his boxers. I can't help my stare at his very toned and muscular body.

I look around to make sure no one else could be here. "I told you no one comes here. It's okay babe." Niall assures me and I hesitantly pull my shirt over my head and step out of my shorts. Standing in my grey underwear set with little pink bows in between the cups and at the front of my bottoms. They have a little bit lace on them but aren't too revealing.

Niall eyes my body licking his lips before taking my hand and leading me in the water. The temperature isn't too cold but I can already tell we won't be in here for too long.

We go down until it reaches his neck and I am struggling to stay up with him. He notices and grabs my legs wrapping them around his waist. I do that and wrap my arms around his neck letting him hold me.

He smirks at me before pulling us both under the water. I splash him as soon as we re-surface and he laughs loudly. I take in his features, his blue eyes, his chin dimple, the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. He really is attractive.

We smile at each other for a while before I detach myself from him and swim away. He follows and swims along behind me. I turn around swimming backwards using my feet to kick while he catches up with me.

He pulls my leg, forcing me to him and I latch myself to him again. He keeps swimming along with me now as well.

"You're so hot." He states looking at my lips then back at my eyes. He stops swimming and stands in the same spot, at the centre of the lake.

I smile at him and look down at his lips. He leans in and rests his forehead against mine.

"We shouldn't." He whispers when we start to lean in closer and closer, mouths nearly touching.

"Mmm" I mumble leaning in. I don't know what happened in my mind but something sent alarm bells blaring. What am I doing? This is Niall Horan. The guy who doesn't date. I can't let myself get attached and then end up heartbroken and damaged again.

I abruptly pull away before anything happens. I look deeply in his eyes and he crashes his lips with mine.

Still holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist our lips move in sync as our tongues battle against each other.

We pull away and he puts his hand on my cheek, stroking gently with his thumb. He smiles before leaning in and passionately kissing me again.

I can't help but to think..

"What am I doing with him?"


Sorry it took so long! I've been busy and I also went to Sydney for a 1D concert with my friend and it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING LIKE HOLY CRAP IT WAS SO GOOD WORDS CANT EVEN DESCRIBE IT!!!! THEY WERE INCREDIBLE!

But anyway...I'll update soon! xo

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