A New Beginning

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Okay, this is actually my first time using Wattpad and I'm still learning how to do everything, so please go easy on me. By the way, I also have an account on fanfiction . net where most of my stories are, so feel free to check that out if you guys want. Thank you. Oh, and I go by the same pen name there. :)

Please enjoy 

Chapter 1

Long ago, there lived a young girl with glowing golden hair and cerulean blue eyes. She was known to have the ability to heal like no human and tap into a strength no beast could ever conjure. She was a special child. However, her parents viewed her as a monster. She was abnormal to them. A monstrosity. They firmly believed that she did not deserve to live.

So disgusted of their daughter, they decided to lock her up in a room and never let her set foot outside of its borders. They were afraid that their peers would shun them if anyone were to ever realized that the couple had a monster as an offspring. As a result, the girl had never really experienced the outside world. In fact, she never really experienced the life of an innocent child even inside her own home.

As years went by, she was tortured by her parents. The only thing she knew was pure pain and suffering. Her parents screamed at her, beat her, whipped her, and was so close to killing her each and every time. The only reason why she survived every time was because of her healing ability and she hated it. She cursed her own existence and asked the gods why she was ever brought into the world.

Her question was soon answered on the day her parents went out to attend a party. Throughout her years of agony, she had never noticed another presence inside their home. She never knew she had an elder brother. He had bright blonde hair and beautiful sapphire eyes. Now, Leo Bertesca never knew he had a younger sister either. He only knew that someone was living in their guest room and never questioned his parents when they told him to never enter that room.

However, Leo was a curious boy. He couldn't help but wonder who lived in that room and why he never met them before. So, on the day his parents decided to go to a party, he took his chance and went to see whoever was behind the door. Inch by inch, he opened the door until it revealed everything in the room. He was surprised by what he saw.

There was nothing, absolutely nothing in that room except a wooden chair and a human sized doll in the corner.

Curious about the doll, he came closer to observe it. It had long blonde hair that practically glowed against the soft beams of the moon despite how filthy it was and sickly pale skin that made it look as if it were a ghost. Its eyes were closed and its clothing was nothing but rags, but it not deter it from its breathtaking appearance despite the odd looking scars that littered its legs. With a curiosity fit for a child, he reached out and touched one of the many scars.

Blue and red eyes immediately snapped open and stared at the boy in shock. Leo yelped and backed away, surprised that the doll was actually alive. He was even more surprised when the doll-turned-girl groaned and curled into herself, cradling her arm where he noticed was caked in dry blood.

Once the original shock had passed, he immediately got down on his knees and hesitantly asked, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Can I see your arm?"

The girl froze and slowly looked up, revealing soulless dual colored eyes, "Have you come to punish me?"

"What? No!" The boy sputtered in shock when the girl asked in a painfully raspy voice, "Why would I want to p-punish you?!"

The broken child shrugged and croaked out, "Mother and Father says that I should be punished for even breathing. I thought you were going to do the same."

A New Beginning (A KHR Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now