Your Hamilton song

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Before we start this one, I am absolutely Hamiltrash, so I included this preference. That means that if you don't like Hamilton or don't know what it is, you wouldn't particularly like this part. That means, feel free to skip it. And if you don't like it, just don't read it


Tony: Best Of Wives and Best Of Women

Tony tends to wake up in the middle of the night and go down to the lab because he can't fall asleep again. You will always end up having to persuade him to come back to bed, because he needs to get sleep.

Bruce: Dear Theodosia

It took a bit of convincing, but a few months after you got married, Bruce finally agreed that you should adopt a baby. He was wary at first because he didn't want to hulk out and hurt the baby. You knew there was a risk, but you also knew that even as hulk, Bruce didn't hurt you, so why should it be any different for your baby. After you adopted your baby, Bruce didn't regret a moment of it. 

Clint: You'll Be Back

During a short break in your relationship, Clint was noticing that you were going on dates with other guys, totally not seeming to miss him. He also noticed that one of the guys had appeared multiple times. This lead to him realizing 2 things. 1, he missed you terribly, and 2, he would do just about anything to get you back.

Thor: What'd I miss

You were on Earth while the Civil War drama went on and while Thor was dealing with Ragnorok on Asgard. Since you weren't a part of the Avengers, you were able to avoid being involved. Unfortunately, you were friends with the others though, so you got a front row seat. When Thor got back to Earth, he was incredibly confused as to why his friends were all mad at each other, leaving him to ask, "What'd I miss?"

Loki: Take a Break

You lived on Asgard with Loki and for a vacation, you were going to visit your family back on Earth. Unfortunately, even though Loki wasn't king, he still had things he needed to do on Asgard. At least, that's what he told you. So, you had to go back to Earth by yourself.

Steve: Helpless

When you first met Steve, you were indeed helpless. He came into your life and swept you right off your feet. One look into his eyes and you felt like you could do or be anything you wanted.

Bucky: That Would Be Enough

Bucky was constantly doubting himself and thinking he wasn't good enough for you. It was common for him to ask you, "Why are you with someone like me?" And you would tell him that if he could just let you be a part of his life, that would be enough for you.

Pietro: Guns and Ships

You had had a really nasty fight that had caused you to take some of your things and stay with your best friend for a bit. You just couldn't stand to be around Pietro at the time. During your small separation, Wanda went on a mission with Pietro. After they completed it successfully, Wanda knocked some sense into Pietro's head and told him that he needed to get you back.

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