When he wants attention

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Tony is like a total 5 year old when he wants attention. He will repeat you name over and over, tap your shoulders so hard and so often that you worry it will get sore, and whine when you don't give him what he wants.


Bruce is very blunt when he wants attention. He lets you know that's exactly what he wants. Bruce will just flat-out tell you, "Y/N, I want attention," with a little pout, and chances are, you'll give it to him.


Clint is almost worse than Tony when he wants attention. He'll hit your arms to get you to look at him, shout your name in your face, take whatever is distracting you, and even toss you over his shoulder and not let you down until you give him the attention he's craving.


Thor knows that the only way to really get your attention is to distract you from whatever it was the was holding your attention away from him. So, if you are in the middle of a TV show that you are very focused on, he will sit by the television and make faces at you so you have no choice but to focus on him instead.


Loki learned very early on in your relationship that he needs to take extreme measures to get you to focus on him instead of anything else. That's why, if you're reading a book, he will simply take it from your hands. If you're on your phone, he will steal it and hold it where you can't reach it.


Steve is the best when he wants attention. He will just say, "Hey, when you're done with what you're doing, I want to show you something," or something along those lines. Then, he will patiently wait for you to finish. And, since he's such a gentleman about it, you will even try to speed up whatever you were doing so you could give him your full attention.


Bucky likes to be a huge tease when he wants attention. He knows full well that you can't resist him, especially when he's shirtless, so if he wants you to focus on him, he will parade around without a shirt on and in a full two seconds, you have no interest in whatever you were doing before.


Since Pietro loves attention as much as he does, you have come to expect strange things out of him when he wants it. He will do a mix of everything, but most often, he will be extremely touchy. He will cuddle up to you, nuzzle his face in your collar, pepper your face with kisses, anything to distract you. Worse part is, he's so good at it that it works really well.


They cancelled school for the next two weeks where I live because of the virus, so hopefully that means I can update more! So, if you guys have suggestions or ideas, comment and let me know!

-Chloe Maximoff

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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