When you're on your period

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The first time you got your period while you were dating Tony, your mood swings were so bad that you freaked out at him for sitting in the wrong chair at dinner. After you apologized to him in tears, he sort of realized what was wrong. After that, he tried to track when you would get it next, so he could be prepared. 


Bruce is pretty well informed about the technical parts of periods, like what pills you can take to help the pain and that it's always good to have a heating pad on hand, but that's about it. He always fails to realize that, yes, taking Tylenol helps cramps, but all you really want is to cuddle with your boyfriend. 


Whenever you tell Clint that the always lovely Satan's waterfall has begun, Clint takes it as an excuse to lounge around with you for a week. He will tell Fury that he needs the week off to be there for his girlfriend, and he will do just that. At least someone enjoys your period.


Thor was never really taught about what a period was, so he was really confused when you first explained them to him. Even as he starts to find them more normal, he always worries about you so much, creating the ultimate helicopter boyfriend. It's really funny to watch the Mighty Thor come into your room every 10 minutes, asking if you want a snack.


Like Thor, Loki was never really taught about periods on Asgard. But, unlike Thor, he understands that they are normal and not something to worry about. That doesn't stop him from taking the best care of you. He will make sure you are comfortable and create magical remedies for when you aren't.


Steve knows just how miserable periods are for you (since you always complain to him about how miserable you are) and is always ready to do whatever you need him to. If you want a drink, he will immediately rush downstairs and get you a drink. If you need more pads, he will run to the store and get far more than you would need.


Bucky knows that you get pretty bad mood swings, so he tries to give you space so you don't get annoyed with him. He is good at knowing when you want him around, though, because he always manages to be right outside the door when you want him there.


2 words. Poor Pietro. Your period gets you in a pretty bad mood, a mood resulting in the occasional thrown chair, and Pietro can't do much to calm you down. His normal smart ass-ness, gone. Instead, he finds himself agreeing to everything you say, just so he isn't the victim of one of your fits.

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