Bad habit he has

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Tony: Chewing pens/pencils

When Tony was deep in thought and holding a pen or pencil, he would put it in his mouth and gnaw on it. Then, you wouldn't be able to use any of the pens or pencils you'd find in his lab because they all had bite marks. It was like living with a dog that was still being trained to not chew on everything. Whenever you saw him doing this, you would walk right up to him and yank it out of his mouth so he couldn't bite it anymore.

Bruce: Whistling

Bruce hadn't actually realized he could whistle until a few months after you started dating. After this development in his skill set, he did it constantly. It didn't bug you when he was just working in his lab, but it was a problem you were in the same room and you were trying to focus on something else. You'd have to tell him to stop repeatedly before he actually get the message, but when he did he would shut up, at least for the most part.

Clint: Making comments under his  breath

There are a lot of things that Clint wants to say but can't—at least out loud—since it might result in a fight. But he can never just keep them to himself. He always ends up saying them under his breath after the fact, which is somehow more annoying to you. You will be in an argument and just when you think you've made a good point and Clint will finally shut up, he will say something under his breath and you will see red. Eventually, you will get him to verbalize what he said, but it takes a bit of time.

Thor: Bouncing his legs

Thor gets antsy easily. He pretty much thrives off of action and movement, so he needs something exciting to happen quite often. When he feels like this, you can always tell by him bouncing his knee under the table or something along those lines. But, his legs are so powerful that, if you are at dinner and he starts shaking his leg, the entire table with shake with it, hence your annoyance. You will have to rest your hand on his knee and look into his eyes to get him to calm down.

Loki: Chewing his bottom lip

When Loki is contemplating something or reading a story he really likes, he will bite his bottom lip. It would be really sexy or hot if he didn't do it in such a way that caused him to make his lips bleed. You'd catch him doing it far too often and would smack his arm to get him to realize he was even doing it in the first place.

Steve: Drumming his fingers

When something was stressing Steve out or he was waiting for something inevitable, he would drum his fingertips on something. The steering wheel if a red light was going to make him late for something, the countertop if he was waiting for you to call, the table in a particularly stressful meeting, just about anything. You got annoyed with the incessant tapping, so you would have to rest your hand on top of his to make him stop.

Bucky: Trailing off mid-sentence

Bucky got distracted fairly easily, after the H.Y.D.R.A experiments started to wear off a bit more. He would be saying something and then someone would cough and he would trail off in the middle of his sentence, no longer remembering what he had been saying beforehand. You'd have to then encourage him to continue, reminding him of what he'd been talking about and trying to keep him focused on you and whoever else was listening.

Pietro: Licking his lips

Pietro had a problem with licking his lips. He would lick them constantly, to "hydrate them," but all it did was make them chapped and then they would hurt and he would come to you begging for chapstick. You felt like such a mom when you did this, but you would always scold him when he came to you, complaining that his lips were hurting again, telling him that you were going to buy that sour apple spray to get him to stop licking them.

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