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She runs home everyday just to be picked apart more. Her home isn't safe. She is scared just at the thought of having to go home. Home is suppose to be a place were u feel safe and feel u could go without fear of pain. Everyday when she gets home she cry's in wait of her mothers screams, terror, and slaps. Comments of "your to fat to be eating." "Your selfish." "You can run away anytime." Her mother hits her with such force it leaves marks. She is forced everyday to wear long sleeves to hide all marked of the previous years, days, hours, minutes. She feels safe no wear and cry's for the life she should have. She cry's at school head in sleeve in the bathroom because of the mean girls. She cry's at the library were she goes to be alone but gets followed and made fun of for "walking to slow." Everyone is right when they call her fat. She is over weight because she overeats. She doesn't want to please no one. But she can't help it. She can't please everyone because she can't please herself.

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