Battle Field

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Her head is a constant battle field between giving up and living one more day to see how much more she can handle before breaking more. She is killing herself everyday with just a simple blade and bottle of pills. How can she contain the demons within. Simple answer she cant. They are always scratching at her fake smile and white teeth trying to be released so that they can wreak more of her life. She does everything to fight them, but she nevers wins. They always convince her that she can stop at just one. But as the blood trickls down her arm from the 10th, 20th, 30th, cut she thinks in her mind next time it will only be 1. It never is. She always trys to reason with each cut. This one is because of this or that, but how can she realize that all the things that have happend to her in her life is from a dision that she herself made. omeone great once said ¨everyone else is taking 1 step forward a you take 3 back, how do you expect to get anywere in life if you always set your self up for mental failure.'' She thought abouth this person as she lays in bed a night thinking about her day. The person was right. She did set herself up for failure. But she still cuts anywase. Shw wrote a letter t someone explaining her story hoping they would answer, She had never fully explained her life before. She didnt tell the whole story but as the tears poured out of her eyes as she wrights the stupid letter she just wonders what the hell has made her believe that evryone is going to hurt her physicaly and mentaly. Would she ever find out. Probobly not, but she did know something. It is her fault for the way she is, she should stoping talking and just take in. Not be seen, dissaper, be compleatly alone. She is still going to wear a fake smile, knowing it will never be real. She is still going to hide her many cuts under the hair ties that she gets made fun of for earng. And she is going to get worse and worse until it eats her alive.

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