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Due to recent events I decided that you should get me. So here we go. I have cut my body sence I was 11. I have over 1200 scars and counting. I have unsecsefully tried to kill myself 6 times already. 1. Hanging 2. Drowing 3. Drug overdose 4. Bleeding out 5.OD 6. OD. I look like a whale.I starve myself most of the time. I am bulimic because I look like a whale. I was arrested for reasons that are for me to know and you to not care about. I have been bailed out of jail. And i had a 3 month trial to find weather I was guilty or not. I was convicted. I have spent a total of 9 months in mental facilitys. When I told my mom I cut she laughed and said I should stop trying to get so much attention. I have spent a total of 3 months of my life in accoma. I have gone threw 19 therapists, so I finally decided to stop trying. Thats it thxs. @reading_to_the_end


I am going to be doing a Q&A so if u want to you can message me or leave comments with quesktions you have about anything. I might not answer them though. Thxs.


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