Part 6

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Twilight:Have any leads

Rarity:nothing yet

Scootaloo:Girls! Have not seen Rainbow Dash, stayed in meeting today but can not find it anywhere I think she is gone.

then they all shocked.

Twilight:I do not know what's going on, but there must be a logical explanation, I will go to Princess Celestia, to see if it helps us with some guards, even that, ask what you can.

Fluttershy:I-I'm sorry but this time I go home, I have a sick little animal and have to look after

Rarity:Dont worry I'll keep looking

later... when Rarity got in the middle of the town. She saw Pinkiepie crying in the fountain.

Rarity:Oh, Dear! what tappened?

Pinkiepie:I have been looking at Applejack, but nothing.

Rarity:I see, but now Rainbow Dash disappeared. 

Pinkiepie:WHAT??, No, she disappeared, was at my house saying she had a clue about Applejack, and gave me a note..wait let me check if i have it... Oh no, I forgot the note at home.

Rarity:Do not worry, I'm coming with you down there and well I'm still wondering if anypony knows anything more about Applejack.

Pinkiepie:All right, come on.

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