Chapter Eighteen

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(A/N) Hey guys, I've been feeling a little slow lately. How are you guys? I'm glad you enjoyed the last two chapters. This chapter is like a new page for my characters - enjoy.

I stand, ridged as a board. I peep again to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I wasn't in any position to meet him tonight!

My face is dry and my hair needs to be washed. I slowly stretch my hands and plaster them to the door.

The guilt was like gasoline in my guts. My insides died slowly in the toxicity. When I hear his voice I take in a deep breath and close my eyes - clinging on to his soothing tone.

"Catalina, I know you're there. Open the door", he says simply. No emotion recognizable from his voice and I'm scared to peep again.

I rest my forehead softly on the door, I can't face him. I stole his mother's necklace. It doesn't matter if I did it to save his life, the fact is I stole it and instead of telling him, I ran. It's what I've always done. With my parents, I ran while they killed them and when I got to America I ran after I killed those men and left my family alone and unprotected. Now, I'm here and I'm running again.

I feel my chest beginning to heave. and I clutch it through my shirt with my other hand. My eyes stinging from the burning water.

"Open the door, baby", his voice still the same. That brings a tear to fall because he's not mad, the guilt boiling over ten times now. I definitely can't open this door now. I should just pack my things and go.

I open my mouth and close it, stuck between whether or not I should say something. I close my eyes and quickly but quietly head to the bedroom, throwing on my jacket and taking up my bag.

Packing my things in the suitcase Nate brought from the hotel. Lola comes in and looks, puzzled, at me.

"I'm sorry - I thought I could face him but I can't", I ramble zipping up the bag. I just feel soft hands cover mine, making me slow down and eventually stop.

"It's okay to be scared. He's outside?"

"He's by the door", I say feeling a lump in my throat. She nods slowly and gazes at the floor thoughtfully.

I look at her, waiting for something to do or say - anything!

"You should talk to him-"
"What? No, have you heard anything I've said? Lola-"

"Lina if you don't tonight, he will follow you all the way back home until you confront him"

I sigh, defeated. She's right. I facepalm myself and slump on the bed. "I'll be outside", I say getting up and walking past her to the balcony.

"Hey", she calls. I stop, not turning to her. "Give 'em hell ...for not coming sooner" A small smile forms on my lips for a moment before I continue walking again.


I lean over the balcony thinking of all I want to say to defend myself but as soon as I hear voices, then footsteps, then the door opening and closing - my heart drops and my mind goes blank.

Shit shit shit shit

"So here is where you been hiding from me?" he asks softly. I keep my eyes plastered on a building, praying he doesn't come any closer.

"I mean I thought you would've at least tried to make your intentions clear. Try to make yourself look like the good person but you just ...ran away"

I inhale deeply and let out a calm breath despite my racing heart.

I hear his footsteps a little closer but he's still not near me.

"You want to shut me out again don't you? After I begged you not to - knowing what that does to me? You want to run away". He says, a slight crack at the end of his words.

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