Tea with Gaming

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Momo's pov:
I walked to Jiro's door to hear what I would guess to be a game being played right now, and some shouting. 'Who would be in her room right after class when everybody else went down to the gym?' I thought as I knocked on the door "Aye Denki can you get that?" I heard Jiro's voice barely audit-able from the volume of the game "Ok I'm coming!" Denki's voice came from as he unlocked and opened the door. "How did you guys ....get here before me?" I asked as I heard Bakugou groan as he opens his bag to pull out the paperwork for Jiro. "Did you not pay attention to what I said Ponytail?"Bakugou snarled as he gave Jiro the classwork she missed "and before you get your rich gear in a twist, when me and the others were just fucking talking it was after I grabbed the paperwork for Jiro so after training I'd give it to her" He added in
as Sero just lays on Jiro's bed playing the game against her "yaaa we sorta didnt want to train so we went up the stairs to see if jiro wanted to play Mario karts with us" Sero says as he leans himself off of Jiro's bed "What's up... yaomomo?" Jiro says as I felt a bit flustered with the nickname still.

 "Oh .. I was wondering if you wanted to come and join us in training..." I said trying not to stutter 'Come on Momo! you can't be like this right now! you can't have your mini crush on Jiro stop you from doing your duty to the class' I thought to myself as I hear her chuckle "I'm good here, the meds I ended up taking have just enough kick to get me to clean up and actually relax my body, I would not want to strain myself right after getting somewhat back on my feet" Jiro says as she beats Sero in the game waving her hands in the air "Haha! I beat you!" "No fair!!! I want a rematch!!" Sero says as he began to dogpile Jiro, I coughed "Well maybe I could help you with your school work to catch you up later?" I asked waiting for a response from her.

"But what about our date Momo?" I turned around to see Todoroki standing behind me "Honey we will still have our date I just want to make sure Jiro doesn't fall behind in her studies" I say giving him a kiss on the lips as I hear the guys gagging in Jiro's room and hearing Jiro cough.
Kirishima quickly goes by Jiro's side and rubs her back "I'll-" "She doesn't fucking need you to help her study Ponytail! she fucking has me and the guys!" Bakugou screams now getting up towards the door, Denki backs away and goes to play Mario Kart with Sero as Kirishima rubs Jiro's back as she continued coughing. "Listen here Katsuki you don't raise your voice to my girlfriend you got that" Todoroki says "How did you know I went here?" "Iida told me" "oh" I said looking at Jiro than seeing Kirishima give me a glare. I gulped as now he got up and he didn't look happy "Listen how about you guys go back down, I don't think its smart to have fighting up here" Kirishima says as now Denki and Sero stopped the game to see Jiro looking faint. "Uh Jiro you ok?" Denki murmured as she jumped from her bed to go towards the bathroom of her room.

 Todoroki was't happy with the fact that Kirishima showed anger "What makes you think we want to cause shit? we are't like your group of delinquents" He says making me close to slapping him as Kirishima got his arms ready Bakugou held Kiri back got into Todoroki's face "Listen hear frostbite burnt bitch, if I do understand some fucking Medication stress is least likely thing Jiro needs right now, take both you and your princess out of here before I blow both of your god damn recommended asses out of this building." He said with a mono-toned voice, as I just kept trying to pull Todoroki away from the door he shouted into the room. "So Jiro is this how you let your crew talk to your fucking friends!??!?" I see the bathroom door open up and a pale Jiro walked out of the bathroom pinching the bridge of her nose as she looked over to Kirishima who was walking over to her.

 "My appointment is tomorrow" She says with a faint smile looking towards me and Todoroki and slowly walk towards the door "I don't need to hear this coming from you Todoroki" she says giving a death glare as Bakugou looks at her "earphones.. you sure you want to do that?" He says almost sounding in pain "Well.. ya Im going to the same one Mina messaged me about, she should be back tomorrow while I'm going there"  She says with a smirk to bakugou. 

~Times of Wither~ {A MinaMomoJirou Story}Where stories live. Discover now