Where is Everyone ~ Part 3

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When Sophie came downstairs in the Blue dress to say goodbye to Edaline and Grady before going to the leapmaster.

She came down the stairs, grateful Biana
had let her wear flats, and Edaline gasped and ran to hug Sophie.

When she pulled back and Sophie could breathe, Edaline rested her hands on Sophies shoulders and sighed
"You look beautiful Sophie. You're going to have a great time"

Over at the table hidden behind some scrolls Grady mumbled something about "That Boy," and Eda turned around and glared at him.

Sophie hugged her Mom goodbye and waved to Grady as she made her way to the leapmaster.

As she called for the crystal to take her to Candleshade, she felt strangly very excited. Like the tingle enhancing gave her but all over. Maybe this WAS going to be great.


When Sophie got to the terrifying dark, tall tower, the front doors where open, and there was a red carpet leading inside and down to the back of the tower to the tall dark doors to the ballroom. Sophie stopped. There was no noise. Talking, laughing, music. Nothing.

Sophie pushed open the wide doors to reveal a glimmering ballroom, spotless silver floor, twisting black metal columns outlined the room every few meters. And in the center stood Keefe. Looking amazing in a suit and a smirk.

"Hey Foster." He said as Sophie started to walk to him.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

He looked around innocently
"What do you mean?"

"I mean" Sophie said "this is your Winnowing Gala. There's supposed to be 99 other girls here."

"I only need one Sophie" he said with a tender look in his eye

Sophie gave a shy smile as he held out his hand
"My I have this dance Lady Fos-Boss?"

Sophie laughed as she took his hand and put her other hand on his shoulder. And his other was on her waist.

They started into each others eyes and the music started from nowhere. It was soft and sweet, not to slow, not to fast. They twirled around the room, and Sophie never wanted the moment to end. As they stepped left then right, then left again, Keefe said
"Im glad you're here."

"I am too."

"Everyone else is coming at 7:30. My dad doesn't know that you're here early. I just- wanted time alone with.... you."

Sophie jumped as Ro called down from a hidden balcony up above
"Smooooth Hunkyhair!! Smooth!"

He glared up at her and she threw what looked like a piece of popcorn down at him, but Sophie and Keefe danced away before she could throw a handful of the snack down from the terrace.

They stopped and he took her hands and took a deep breath
"I like you Sophie. Like. A lot. And i have for a long time"

Sophie smiled and nodded
"I know."

His eyes got wide as Ro cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled "I TOLD YOU!!"

Sophie ignored her "and— i like you to Keefe. A lot" she  held his hands in hers and looked at their intertwined fingers.

Keefe looked up at one of the black columns then looked back into Sophies brown eyes
"Follow me. The others get here in half an hour"

She giggled as her pulled her to the column and to the wall next to it. Right before he did anything he looked up at Ro, who had her feet propped up on the railing of the terrace and was snoring loudly. 'That was fast' Sophie thought. Keefe then stuck his hand inside one of the metal twists and felt around inside for something. When he said
"Ah ha!" The wall behind them popped open seamlessly and opened to the cool evening air of a secret garden Sophie didn't know was there.
Still holding her hand he pulled Sophie down the hedge lined path, weaving and goin every witch way until they reached a large fountain with two tiers. The water was sparkling in the last rays of sunlight, and there where white flowers in the circular hedge wall around the fountain. In four places there was breaks in the greenery where dark brown wood arches stood. Keefe dragged Sophie through one and they sat down on the wide, white marble rim of the fountain.

She sat down and looked around, then into Keefes ice blue eyes.

"So..... what now?" He asked, taking her hand again

"Welll...." Sophie said. She took a moment then leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He beamed and looked into her face. His eyes lost a hint of their glow as he hesitated.

Suddenly he put his hands in Sophies hair as she pressed her lips on his. She put her hand on his and her other on his shoulder.

The kiss was short and sweet, and when they pulled back Sophie rested her forehead on his, slightly laughing to herself and smiling on the outside.

"IM ALWAYS WATCHING HUNKYHAIR!!" Ro called from a distant window at the tower, which now that Sophie noticed, was kinda far away.
He turned to the tower and laughed.

Then her turned back to Sophie and looked into her eyes
"I take it this means you're dumping Fitzy?" He said solemnly

Sophie smirked and he widened his eyes
"We where never a thing."

"Can... can we make this- a thing?"

Sophie kissed his cheek again
"I would love that"

He beamed as he took her hand and lead her back through the pristine garden to the secret ballroom entrance.

Ta da!!
Like it?
When writing sokeefe there is so much inspiration fo me.
Thank you guys for reading!!
~ T

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