Sand and Sea ~ Tiana

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So jn my votes/poll chapter this ship and Sokeefe was highly voted. So this is an AU, where Sophie takes her friends to the beach in California for the day.

Also holy wut two updates in two days?!

Biana laid on her towel in the sun, half asleep as she listened to the waves and the sounds of her friends splashing in the water. Lihn was reading a book next to her and Marella was building a sand castle that had a fire pit inside of it. Sophie was helping Keefe figure out how to use the paddle board.

The group of friends where on a deserted part of the beach, near some high cliffs. It was nearly unreachable, if not for lightleaping. When Sophie walked back over to the girls on the sand all four of the boys had gotten on the paddle board, and it was looking rather shaky.

"Hey Biana check this out!" Fitz called across the blue water from the board. His sister sat up and lifted her sunglasses, and all of the boys started to rock the board beneath them back and forth, making waves on either side. Dex lost his balance, fell backwards knocking Keefe down, and Keefe then in turn grabbed Fitzs arm for balance. all three of them fell i to the water with a splash, and Tam was the only one left standing, and dry.

He held his side, laughing along with the girls on the beach until all three boys in the water grabbed Tam and pulled him off to. Tam resurfaced, and looked grim. But then his expression changed and continued to laugh aloud with everyone else.
"Smooth Keefe!" Soph yelled.

"Hey! Wasn't my fault!" Keefe joked back.

Dex raised his hands in defense. "Fitz's idea!"

The boys made their way back to shore and laid in the sun, getting out the lunch bag and sand tools. The group all ate then ran up and down their small cove, having a sand fight. And Keefe constantly complaining about how the water ruined his hair.
After the running fun was over, Biana laid back down on her towel, on her stomach.

"Wanna take the paddle board out with me?" Tam asked meekly beside her.

Biana kept her head on the towel as she responded. "Sure. One more minute its really warm right here.."

Tam laughed softly and walked away to get the white paddle board, dragging it in the sand until it was rocking gently in the water. Biana stood and brushed the sand of her arms, walking down to where Tam waited.

He extended his hand to help her on the rocking board. "Your chariot, m'lady." He mocked, helping Biana steady herself on the paddle board. She laughed and sat down crisscross in front of him.

"Why thank you kind sir." She laughed, gripping the sides of the paddle board as Tam used the paddle to push off from the sand. He stood behind her as they floated out onto the open water, and Tam sat down, letting them drift quietly on the crystal clear water.

"Look!" Biana gasped, leaning over the side to point at a colorful fish that had swam by. Tam didn't look at the fish, he was watching Biana. "It's beautiful." He whispered.

"What was that?" The brunette gidl asked, sitting back down in front of Tam. He shook his head and gave her a small grin.

"Nothing. The fish was cool though."

"I know!" I mean i only see stuff like this in Atlantis-"

"Do you wanna go on a date sometime?" Tam asked, internally cringing at his timing and how he asked.

Biana stopped and their gazes met, her heart fluttered. "What?"

Tam took a deep breath, and scooted so that their knees almost touched. "Would you go on a date, with me."

Biana smiled and nodded. "Why should i say no?" She asked, barely containing her smile.

Tam smiled to, as much as he could, and said. "Well should we head back?"

Bianas shook her head, a glint in her eye. "There's something I've been wanting to do."

Tams lips pulled in a tiny grin and he took her hand. Biana smiled and leaned closer. She stood and he stood as well, then she grabbed his arm and shoved him in the water.

"Hey!" He yelled from the water. Biana fell down on the board laughing and he swam closer, holding onto the side.

"You're cute when you're soaked." She teased him, resting her head on her hands. Tam brought himself closer to her and she could feel his breath on her cheeks.

"I'll bet you are too." He whispered, and before Biana could ask what he meant he flipped the board, dumping Biana in the ocean with him.

She gasped and smiled, splashing water in his face. "How dare you Tam Song!!"

He splashed back. "You pushed me in sister you asked for it!"

She laughed and climbed back on the paddle board, helping him up too. Once they where sitting facing again Biana smirked. "You wanna know what else i asked for?"

Suddenly her lips where on his. The kiss was short and sweet, and left Tam speechless and he sat, eyes still closed, and smiled softly to himself.

"No stand up Bangs Boy." Biana teased, hitting his arm and turning to sit the other direction. "You still meed to paddle me back to shore."

And that's how a summer day at the beach turned into the best day of Tams life.

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