Its Been A Long Time pt 3

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Dear Reader:
Thank you!!!!
Because of you this little bookie of mine is almost at 10k reads!! I luv y'all so much thank you!!
Right now I've got another story in the works, and thats why im so slow for updates on this book.
Its called Rivals, and if you need somethin to read between my freakishly slow updates go check it out!

Now back to da story-

"What are you DOING?!" Sophie screamed, swinging a heavy pole at Fitz head. He hadn't spoken the entire fight, and just looked at the team with bored grey eyes. Biana had to stay behind, she volunteered to guard the entrance to the first Nightfall.

"Fitz, stop this!"

They had chased Fitz for months, every one in the group chipping as much as they could. And that lead Sophie to this moment, Keefe and Dex off looking down another corridor. Marella and Tam where searching the ballroom, and Lihn lay unconscious behind Sophie.

"Answer me!!" Sophie screamed again, using telekinesis to throw another pile of rubble at Fitz, who again, stayed quiet.

She continued throwing things at him, and he kept dodging. Sophie started getting tired, but she was angry. And something beyond that was fueling her.

Sophie picked up a metal pole that came from the wall, the end sharpened. She looked to her old friend, ready to attack, ready to fight again, to stop him from whatever he was doing.

Fitz looked like he was going to take her challenge, but instead fell to his knees, and looked up at her. "So-Sophie-?" His eyes flashed back to their bright teal, then as suddenly as they where teal they where grey again.

Fitz laughed darkly, hanging his head as he did so. "He really doesn't want me to hurt you..." he mumbled, the first thing he'd said all night. "Unfortunately,"

Sophie was still trying to shake herself out of whatever daze she was in. Whatever happened- was the real Fitz still in this monster somewhere?

Fitz lunged, shoving Sophie to ground, her metal pole Fitz had pressed to her neck. He smirked as she struggled. "Fitz-"

She couldn't breathe, couldn't get in his head. He was unreachable. Again and Again Sophie tried to got in his head to try and bring back teal eyed Fitz; but again and again it never worked. It was like he had no mind.

Fitzs eyes flashed teal again, and right as his look softened, he was thrown off Sophie, crashing into a pile of rubble on the other side of the hall.

"Sophie!!" Keefe yelled, helping her up as he gave the Sucker Punch to Dex, who immediately ran over and hand cuffed Fitz with a purple looking neon bar.

Once that was done, he ran over and tried to wake up Lihn.

"Sophie." Keefe coaxed again, Sophie hadn't heard him the first few times. "Sophie, its okay now."

"No.." Sophie whispered, letting Keefe help her up. She looked to Fitz, unconscious on the rubble pile that had caved in the hall behind him. "Its not."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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