Wait ~ Sam

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A/N: one of my friends was a major Sam shipper for a while (i have NO idea why) but i was running out of ships and thought why not. Also i need inspiration for my next Sokeefe chapter!! —>
This is going to be an AU keep in mind.
MAY or may not have Legacy spoilers. IF YOU HAVENT READ LEGACY TURN BACK

i warned you. But anyways.....

Sophie hurled the steel blade at the tree, grunting as she did so and getting within and inch of the bullseye painted in neon green.

"Good throw." Tam said behind her. He had just gotten away from the Neverseen and tension had been high in the group. Sophie had gone to the middle of the woods to throw sharp things and not murder anyone. Sandor sat hnder a tree in the shade a few yards away.

Sophie ignored Tam and walked to the target and pulled the knife out of the dark wood.
"Do you need something?" She asked, walking back to her spot and aiming up to throw again.

He kicked at the dirt and shook his head.
"Just wondered where you where. Lihns kinda mad at me, and everyone else is too i guess. Plus I just didn't want to see anybody today really.."

Sophie threw the knife, but was farther off than last time.
"So why come to me? Im still mad at you too."

He pulled at his bangs.
"You're easy to talk to. And i just needed someone to talk to, so." He looked up, hands in pockets. "Its okay that i came, right?"

Sophie shrugged and went to retrieve her knife.
Once she got back to the spot she fingered the edge, looked at the silver blade in her fingers.
"Yeah. Yeah i guess so.." she mumbled

"Sophie if i need to go i can take a hint-"

"Tam." She interrupted. "Its fine. I was gettin kinda lonely out here anyway." She said. Sandor rolled his eyes from under the tree and went to walk the perimeter, grumbling something about teenagers.

The pair watched the grey goblin go and Tam kicked the dirt again, and Sophie smirked, aiming up the knife while he was looking down.

"So what-GAH!! SOPH WHAT THE HECK?!" He yelled as she threw the blade right past his face to the tree behind him.

She giggled and he looked offended.
"You should see your face."

"Really. Really. You try to kill me."

She stood straight and walked closer to him, still smiling. "Oh calm down I'm a good shot. I wouldn't have let it hit you."

He raised and eyebrow skeptically and she laughed again.
"You know you never hit the target though."

She shrugged.
"I wasn't really trying. Just throwing sharp things cause i was mad. Also the tree is a better target than Fitzs face, so.."

He chuckled softly at that and stepped back to retrieve her knife.
"Wanna teach me?" He asked, holding the blade so she could take the handle from him.

She pondered for a minute.
"You know I actually want to keep all my limbs and fingers, so no. Not really."

He groaned teasingly. "C'mon Sophie just let me try!"

She laughed as he tried to take the dagger from her, but Sophie ran off into the trees, Tam following with Sandor stalking close by.

K. I would never ship them in a million years, but you gotta admit that was cute.

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