I Didnt Know ~ Fina

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Per SophieandKeefe s request! Heres the Fina! I may not ship them, but ya know! Its still fun.

As Stina reached for the clasp of her cape, her imparter buzzed, telling her that she DIDNT need to rush to Havenfeild for an emergency meeting for Team Valiant.

As Stina groaned and flopped on her bed at the sudden cancel of the meeting, a message buzzed on her imparter.

Little Miss Perfect Foster
The council asked that we go through our memories. Im taking Dex and Biana. Fitz is coming over to do you and then head to Wylie's.

Stina wrote a quick reply and flopped back down on her bed, relived that she didn't have to go anywhere as a crisp, accented voice called from her doorway.

"Are you THAT upset i came?" He said with a mock tone, leaned up against the doorframe

Stina sat up and raised an eyebrow at him
"Are you that upset to see me?"

He smiled and chuckled, and Stina thought she had a small heart attack. Wait. What WAS that?

He plopped down on her bed
"Sophie told you i was coming?"

"Yeah she told me."

"Sooooo. Should we start?"

She nodded and he put his fingers to her temples and her heart fluttered again.

(Bold=Stina's thoughts, Underlined= Fitz's thoughts- A/N)

What was that?!

What was what?

Nothing. What are you going to do?

Just go through and make sure your memories are intact. Mind if i do some digging?

Sure. Just let me mark some stuff not to look at.

Like what stuff?

Like MY stuff Wonderboy

His thoughts seemed to recede a tiny bit
Oh sorry. Yeah just go mark those thoughts in a color or something.

Sorry Fitz. I can be a bit guarded sometimes

Its okay I get it. Their eyes met and Stinas heart fluttered again. It was weird to... feel. For someone like this.

I like you she blurted and looked away, ashamed

His mind stayed quiet before whispering
I like you too

Stinas head snapped up and aloud she said
"Really? Why?"

He stood and walked to face her
"Because. You're brave and smart and spunky...."

Stina looked at her hands
"What about your Foster."

"I don't know if thats gonna work. She loves Keefe and I'm starting to realize I'd like it better if Sophie and I where just friends."

Stina looked up through her curls and smiled at him, and he smiled back as she stood and he took her hands in his.

"Stina Heks will you be my Valentine?"

"Whats a Valentine?" She laughed

He shrugged
"No idea. Apparently its a human love day thing." As he said love he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck

She smiled and ruffled his perfect hair.
He smiled back and she kissed his cheek.
Fitz looked shocked as she looked away blushing

"Sorry." Stina mumbled, looking down
"I didn't-"

She was cut of by Fitz's imparter buzzing, telling him to go to Wylie's now.
He gave her a longing look before hurriedly brushing the brown curls out of her face and kissing her cheek, before rushing to the door, and their eyes met one last time as Stina was left alone in her room, hand on her cheek, and smiling to herself, wondering how everything was actually working out.

So sorry this took so long to update, but thank you for nearly 150 reads on three chapters!
Comment what other KOTLC ships you'd like me to write!     }}}————————->>

Thanks for reading!

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