Petals and Pastry Puffs~ Sokeefe 2

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Sophie had decided on the red dress. It was a good fit, and she liked that is wasn't as flashy as the others.

Also Biana picked it and there was no going back.

It took soooo long to get ready, and Biana was more focused on Sophie than herself. And Sophie wouldn't have minded if Biana had taken more time to do her own stuffs. Glitter and what not.

After what felt like an eternity of getting ready Biana left for her own house, to get ready herself. And so Sophie was left waiting for the ball to start, trying not the ruin Bianas work.

She sat on her bed and Edaline wlaked in, beaming. "My beautiful Sophie!!" She said, sitting by Sophie and giving her a hug.
"You are going to have so much fun."

"Ah ah ah." Grady chided from the doorway. The two girls watched him cross the room and sit on Sophies other side, and he took out a small blue canister. "Now Soph. This is your pepper spray, remember try and go for the eyes-"

"Dad!" Sophie yelled, taking the spray from him and putting it in her lap. "I am not to going to spray anyone in the face with this!"

Grady took it back from her.
"No closer than two feet." He scolded. Edaline threw him a dirty look and Sophie groaned as Grady gave the canister back to her.

"Grady calm down. Im sure everything will be fine." Edaline replied, taking the can from Sophie.

Grady looked offended, taking the can from Edaline and giving it back to Sophie, who groaned again and headed back down the the kitchen, her parents following suit.

She sat down at the table and picked up a pink pastry puff, and her parents sat down across from her.

"Soph you'll be fine." Edaline said, throwing Grady a look as she said 'fine.' He shrugged innocently and shoved a pastry puff in his mouth.


Foxfires gym was stunning. Tulle streamers with little lights in them cascaded down along the walls, and there where white flowers mixed in.

The music started and other people started to trickle in, finding dates and moving onto the dance floor. As soon as Sophie arrived Biana grabbed her and made her hold still to fix Sophies mascara.

After that, Biana ran to fix her own makeup because Tam had just walked in. And Sophie was grateful that Biana had stopped fussing for one moment.

Sophie stood at a table on the side by herself, glad she wasn't the one dancing. She waved to Dex and Marella, then Tam and Biana, then Wylie and Lihn, then finally Fitz. Stina was there too.

"Hey Foster." A voice said behind her, and Sophie squeaked when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

She turned to see the ice blue eyed wonder standing, that stupid smirk she loves on his face, his hands behind his back.
"Did i scare ya?" He laughed.

He hit his shoulder and he laughed again, rubbing where she had hit him.
"Geez clam down."

"Don't do that." Sophie said, feeling her face heat up as she leaned her elbows back on the table and Keefe did the same next to her.

"Wanna dance Lady Fos-boss?"
He smirked from beside her.

Sophie sighed and turned to him, feeling her heart flutter. "If you want all your toes broken within an hour."

He extended his hand and gave Sophie a soft smile.
"It'll be worth it." He said in a serious tone, but with a light an airy feel that made Sophies heart stop. In a good way...

Keefe led Sophie onto the floor, lighted pastel purple by the overheads. Other couples they knew where dancing near, and Sophie got anxious watching them stay in beat. So Keefe moved them away to more deserted part of the floor.

They looked eyes and swayed to the slow, beautifully silky music. Sophie was so swept up in a haze of ice blue she didn't even notice she was actually dancing. Like, for real. Not like just letting lose and making up your own moves like-you get it.

Keefe smirked.
"You're doing it Foster."

Sophie shook her had to clear the thoughts of Sokeefe, and she looked at their feet, then up at Keefe. A bright smile pulled at her lips.
"I am.."

Keefe smiled back and dropped one hand, dragging Sophie away from the party.
"C'mon Soph!" He whispered, and as Sophie looked behind them, she saw Biana, who was with Tam, waving her fingers and grinning. Ugh.

Once outside Keefe and Sophie wandered the hallways of Foxfire hand in hand. Empty, dark, peacefully quiet. They wandered and roamed until Keefe sat them on a bench.
"Aww Keefe.." Sophie cooed, sitting against his shoulder. "This is where we met."

He nodded, looking over at where she sat, laying on his side. Sophies face went red, and she shot back upright, and Keefe looked annoyed. She cleared her throat and there was an uncomfortable silence for what felt like forever. Actually it was only like 30 seconds.

"Soph you know I like you.." Keefe said sweetly, taking Sophies hand in his. His touch sent fire through Sophie's skin.

She nodded and gave a small smile, meeting his eyes. Getting lost in a sea of ice blue again.
"I like you too.."

"Soooo.. are you okay?" He asked, rubbing her knuckle.

Sophie leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on his lips, smiling at his adorable shock.
"Im okay."

He turned to her, a huge grin on his face, and he couldn't stop. Sophie laughed and leaned into his side once again, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

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