Its Been A Long Time ~ Sokeefe

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Guess what.


AND ITS SOKEEFE. Enjoy my chillins.

If there's typos pls let me know i did this in a hurry 😝


Sophie was the best. Literally.

Ever since the Black Swan had been turned into a sort of law enforcement agency after they failed to stop the Neverseen a few years back, Sophie had been in charge of the investigation branch of the Black Swan.

The Neverseen (as an organization) had fallen, but their followers and members wouldn't give up so easily, and Sophie had been stopping all sorts of these problems for the last five years, since she was fifteen.

But leading a fast paced life had downsides. Her friends worked in other departments, other than Biana who was assistant Chief to her, she hadn't seen her other friends in a while. Sure there was meetings and plan conferences, but they where so close to catching Vespera, that Sophie had forgotten about the phrase 'free time.'

And one other reason she couldn't allow herself to think about- Fitzs death.

The Black Swan was closing in on Vespera and her rebels, and one of the hooded figures pulled out a sleek black gun, shiny with a glowing blue button on the side. They fired at Sophie, but Fitz jumped in front of her, and didn't get back up.

Even tho Sophie was with Keefe, Fitzs death hit her hard, he was a dear friend, and even seeing Biana and the Vackers made it worse. For everyone. She didn't see much of Keefe anymore, or anyone. Everyone felt.... off.

She sat in her office going over anonymous tips about Neverseen members when a voice came from the doorway and Sophies head shot up.

"Ya know." Said the ice blue eyed boy. "you keep working this hard and it makes you tired, and i think you still haven't slept a full 8 hours since we where fifteen." He smirked, leaning on the doorframe.

She sat on the desk and smiled, slowly putting down the papers in her hand. "Keefe." She smiled, standing and walking briskly over to hug him.
"I missed you." She said softly, sweetly.

He smirked that famous smirk and rubbed her shoulder. "How you holding up?"

Sophie sighed and stood letting his fingers trace down her arm and interlace with hers. "Keefe, Fitz died over a year ago I'm fine." She gave him a small smile, but he didn't seem convinced.

"Soph is there anything else thats bugging you?" Keefe asked in a low voice, keeping their conversation quiet from the outside offices.

"Theres nothing."

"Sophie." Keefe grumbled sternly.

"You where GONE for a YEAR! And now you walk back in and expect me to just spill my guts to you?!" Keefe looked as though he had been smacked in the face, she let go of his hand and continued hissing quietly. "You want to know what's wrong?! You." Sophie gave Keefe a hard stare.

"Soph." Keefe started, tenderly taking a step towards her.

"I loved you Keefe but after Fitz? We broke, and now im afraid I'm going to get sucked back into the void of hope and hope that you'll stay this time and we can-"

"Sophie!!" Keefe yelled, grabbing her shoulders. Then he lowered his voice, and Sophie was still steaming. "Thats why i came. Because this time i will stay. I have to stay. Losing my best friend hurt but losing you afterwards hurt even more, but i thought you where fine..."

Sophie could feel his breath on her cheeks as she met his eyes, reaching for his hand. "I thought i was.."

His blue eyes flashed, and Sophie closed hers and put her lips to his. He kissed her back sweetly, and they left each other, and Sophie hugged him.
"Don't leave me this time. No matter what happens."

"Hey Soph i-" Biana had come in. "Oh, hi Keefe." She said cooly. After Fitz died Keefe was the least supportive, around the least, didn't speak to anyone. He just left. She ignored him as Sophie broke their hug and walked over.

"To what do i owe this visit B?" Sophie asked, straightening her top.

Biana handed Sophie a pale red folder. A solemn look on her face. "We found a red one."

Sophie took the folder cautiously andput her thumbprint on the bottom right corner. "Have you opened it yet?"

Biana shook her head. "Forkle wanted it straight to you. No one else."

Keefe came up behind Sophie as she opened the file and nearly dropped it. Keefe caught it and held her hands steady. Sophie stared at the picture of the known Neverseen members red folder and started breathing hard, as if she would pass out. She shook, and tears stung her eyes.

Biana looked concerned.
"Soph what is it?"

Keefe gruffly took the folder and closed it, keeping his index finger inside, and held Sophie sit down behind her desk, and hold her head in her hands.
"Its not about the file Biana." Keefe said, opening it and he scanned it over, a grim look on his face. "Its about who's picture is on the front page."

He exhaled deeply and flipped the file over for Biana to see, she clutched her chest and gasped.

Red files where for Neverseen members found and now needed capture.

And the boy in the file stared back at them with sparkling teal eyes, now turned into an icy glare.

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