Can i help?~Derella

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Hey all! Thanks so much for all the support for the wonderful peeps here on Wattpad! This scene is in nightfall, inspired by the line
"Dex, you can stay behind and work on the gadgets!"
Onward we gooooooooo!
Also I'll be doing a shoutout sometime in the next chapter
Thx all!!

Dex leaned over the magnifier and peered down at the small silver gadget on the table. His careful eyes and fingers twisting wires back and forth, trying to make the right calculations to make the gadget work later on.

"Whatcha doin?"

Dex yelped and jumped, shaking the table a little as he held his hand over his heart and looked at the girl next him who was giggling.
"What the heck Marella?"

She laughed once again and jumped up onto the table, swinging her legs back and forth.
"Sophie told me to come see if you needed any help."

Dex moved the magnifier back over the little silver box.
"Thanks but i think I'm good."

She pressed her cheek to her shoulder and studied what he was doing.
"What aout just some company while you work?" She asked innocently

Dex cleared his throat
"Yea-yea. Some..uh.. company, would be, uh, nice. Yea." He stuttered

"Great!" She said, hopping off the work table to stand beside him and Dex went back to work.
"What does this do?" She asked, leaning closer to where he peered down through the magnifier.

He shifted a tiny bit father away from her and cleared his throat, feeling a tiny bit of heat rising in his cheeks.
"Its to help control powers. Like it will make the power less 'powerfull' so its easier to learn to control. I thought about making it to help-uh- you."

He face lit up with a smile as she looked up at him, and their eyes met, Dex swallowing and gazing into Marella eyes.
"Thats really sweet, that you thought of me like that Dex."

Dex swallowed again and went back to working
"Yeah- uh. Well, i mean-glad to help."

Marella put her head on the side of his shoulder and watched him work, putting the heels of her hands on the table. Dex had on hand supporting his weight on the table, the other fidgeting with some tools and wires.

Marella sighed and casually put an arm around Dexes arm, and he looked up a fraction of an inch, before smiling and going back to work, though it was slower and he was distracted by her head on his shoulder and her arm around his.

Once when Dex was moving a wire around a small spark appeared and Marella shrieked and jumped, holding onto Dex tighter as he laughed, and slowly, she began to as well.

She playfully hit his arm after a minute and said
"Don't judge, tech boy."

He laughed
"Oh I'm not.. I just like when you laugh."

She looked at him and Dex rubbed his neck while looking down

He huffed

Her imparter buzzed right before she could say what she was thinking, and Marella looked at the message.
"Thats my Dad. I gotta go." She said

He nodded, looking glum and going back to work. "Siya Marella."

She sighed and pursed her lips, before kissing his cheek quickly and rushing out of the room, heading home, leaving Dex happily distracted.

Im sorry, but i just😝🥰
Its so cute!

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