Its Been A Long Time ~ Sokeefe pt 2

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SO sorry this is so short but dont worry! More to come! Thx for apl the votes/comments it makes my day!
I'll have a lot more freetime to do writing cause of stupid flipping corona. 🙄🙄

Just hours after the file on Fitz had come to light, Sophie hailed a few people.

Moments later Biana, Keefe, and Sophie stood in the courtyard of the huge office building to meet Tam and Lihn, Dex and Marella. They all looked so... different.

Tam was a security official. Dex worked in weapon and tech development right under the council. Lihn was Principal of Foxfire, and Marella a mentor for kids manifesting as Pyrokinetics.

Also the fact that Dex had grown a mustache but Sophie tried not to focus on that so she could be serious right now.

The group of old friends stood facing each other like strangers, Sophies hands in front of her. Marella adjusted her black silk cape, pulling at the clasp. Lihn shifted, rippling her light blue dress that seemed to float around her. Dex itched his mustache and Tam just stared into the space behind Sophie, Keefe, and Biana.

Lihn finally stepped forward, her long black hair done up in a bun the reminded Sophie of Frozen. There was barely any silver left, but you could see it.
"Lets talk elsewhere." She said, gesturing to the left where an adjoining courtyard sat behind a locked gate.

Sophie nodded, grateful Lihn broke the silence. Tam followed his sister and Biana followed him. Dex stayed and Sophie did too after she urged Keefe to go on ahead.

Dex inhaled deeply and grossed his arms. "So he's really with them? And alive?" He asked quietly.

Sophie sighed and played with her fingers. "Yea." Sophie looked at the ground then Dex, then followed him to the courtyard where the others waited, not yet knowing why they had been called so urgently.

Dex had been informed, but the rest hadn't.

Sophie was going to find Fitz.

And she wanted to kill him for what he had done.

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