Chapter 2

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Previously on My Little Spy
You lean forward and grab your gun under your couch. You grip it in your hands. You turn off your phone and sat there waiting. Suddenly someone put you in a choke hold. You grip their arm and back flip over them taking their arm with you. They yanks there arm up then back and release you. You fall to the ground. You pop up and you hear the gun clock and press to your forehead. You do the same. The cold metal to your forehead makes you smile. The lights turn back on. You see it's tay. She smirks at you and flips the gun around and puts it in the waistband of her pants. She look at you and frowns.
Tay: boss called us. He has a new mission.
I smirk at and her as she stares at me. Finally. A new mission.
Now on my little spy.
You hop in your car and leave. Tay is in the passenger seat cleaning her gun. You look over and roll your eyes. Tay is the toughest girl you know. Nothing really faze her but one topic. You don't dare bring it knowing how it makes her feel. She doesn't smile around just anybody. She laid back. She isn't depressed she jus doesn't like to smile. When she does smile it's the most adorable thing ever. She is goofy when she wants to be. She keeps to herself. She's friendly if you talk to her. She not an asshole just keeps to herself.
Tay: You didn't answer my calls because ?
Y/n: I didn't feel like it. I was asleep.
She cross her arms still looking forward.
Tay: I answer you when you call.
Y/n: I barely call you.
She stinks in the seat and pouts. She finally looks at you. Not this- please not this-
Tay: you really hurt my feelings y/n
Y/n: cut the shittttt
She grabs your arm and cuddles it.
Tay: why don't you love me.
You cringe and shake her off your arm. She laughs and grabs the aux. she plugs up her phone and started playing music. You guy laugh and talk the rest of the playlist. I'm the only one she really opens up to. Same goes for me too. I only open up to her... ever since the accident. You start to have flashback and you shake your head. You stop dancing and laughing. You stared at the road. You feel tears form in your eyes and you try to swallow them down. Tay looks at you and she stops smiling. This always happens when you having fun and Tay having a good time you always ruin it. Tay turns off the music and stared out the window. After a few minutes of silence she sighs.
Tay: have you been to the hospital
Y/n: I went yesterday.
She swallows hard.
Tay: any updates?
You shake your head. You see her shift in her seat and you look over at her. You see tears form in her eyes. You quickly change the subject.
Y/n: boss told you what the mission is?
Tay: nuh uh. Weird he usually does. Maybe it's very important.
You start thinking about it.
What could it possibly be?
You pull up the huge building. You make it to the gate and you roll down the window. You type in your code. You scan your eye and hand. Then your finally let in. You park and your and Tay get out. You take the elevator. You make it to the boss floor. You still everyone here. We all pass each other not saying a word. It's usually how it is. You get to the boss door and you knock. You hear a deep voice.
Boss: come in.
You enter and he stands up. You and Tay smirk at him and he nods. You shut the door. You lean on it.
Y/n: about this mission
Tay crosses her arm and looks him up and down.
Tay: mhm.

My Little Spy ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now