Chapter 16

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They start coming at you and you try to shoot as many as you can. Tay wasn't coming back fast enough. You manage to get the majority of them but you realize you can't get to all them. You groan running into the front yard. You get there just to see more people posted. You look around and smile. They come to a holt some smirking at you.
Y/n: can I help you?
??: you know what we want. All you have to do is give them to us and we'll leave. No harm done.
Y/n: can I ask who ordered you here
??: I did 
A man emerges from the crowd. You turn to look at him. You laugh and cross your arms.
Y/n: why isn't it the famous Julian Barboza, haven't seen you in while
Julian: cut the chit chat you know what we want
Y/n: I know but I'm sorry I cannot give that- those thing to you
You start walking closer to him
Y/n: see I have a job
You smile
Y/n: to keep them alive and safe.
You start walking around him
Y/n: and me giving them to you will not only fail my mission but cost me my job
You put your hand on his shoulder and everyone point a gun at you. Julian rise his hand for them to stand down. He grabs you hand pulling you closer.
Julian: don't make me use force babygirl
He grabs you chin pulling you closer to his face.
Julian: I wouldn't want to hurt ya
You laugh
Y/n: not much to hurt
Julian: I'll be back for what I want
Julian: next time you won't stand in my way
He kisses you cheek and smirking.
Julian: let's go
He starts walking and his goons follow him. You walk wipe your cheek walking back towards the house. You make it back into the house.
You groan as you hear the yelling. You walk in the living room. You look at Tay and mattia in each other's face. You look at the rest and they shrug. You sigh and point your gun at the wall. You shoot the wall and everyone jumps. The room went quite and everyone looks at you. You look at both Mattia and Tay not acknowledging the other.
Y/n: the fuck is wrong with you
Katie: guys lets go upstairs.
Katie lead everyone upstairs while Mattia Tay and you stay behind.
Y/n: Mattia shut up. Tay speak
Tay: I was trying get them downstairs when Mattia wanted to be bold and stop everyone. He started asking questions and would not let the others go through untill I told him.
You look at Mattia which is look at you with a annoyed face. He walks towards you so he hovers over you.
Mattia: why are we here
You don't answer
Mattia: what do you want from us
You look up at him, mouth still sealed. He nods
Mattia: don't expect me to stay here with someone that I can't trust.
He walks off bumping your shoulder as he goes upstairs. You bit your lip looking at Tay who now has a worried look
Tay: they're going to leave.
You sigh and turn around. You go upstairs going up to your room. Mattia doors open and you stand in the doorway. He's grabbing and pack his stuff.
Y/n: you can't leave.
Mattia: you're not my mom I can do whatever I want
Y/n: well your mom would've told you to stay your ass here
Mattia: and I wouldn't listen to her.
You started getting aggravated and you walk in slam the door behind you.
Mattia: yes I am
You push Mattia away from the bag.
You push him to the ground.
Y/n: or what Mattia
You hover over him.
Y/n: you going hit me
You bend down close to his face.
Y/n: try it big boy
Mattia clench his fists looking up at you frustrated. You push him once more and he fall down fully.
Y/n: what I am doing is for your own good. I'm not hurting you. I'm saving you. Without me you know where you'll be?
He says nothing. You go close to his ear and whisper.
Y/n: dead.
You stand up and turn around to see all the other standing looking at you. You walk over to them.
Y/n: that goes for all of you.
You scan them and stop at Anaya and katie 
Y/n: the fact you was here today makes you part of this. Now it's our job to also take care of you.
You scan them once more.
Y/n: go to bed tomorrow pack your shit. You're getting out my house.
You brush pass them walking towards your room. You close you door and sigh. You change and go to bed.
The next morning
You wake up and everything that happen yesterday flood your mind you groan bury your head in your hands. You suck it up and get up. You shower brush your teeth and change into this.

You go downstairs and see bags at the front door

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You go downstairs and see bags at the front door. You look for everyone and they're in the kitchen.
Y/n: hurry and eat we need to leave soon
Alvaro: y/n is this really necessary
You turn around and Tay covers Alvaro mouth. But he grabs it removing it from his mouth.
Alvaro: no she needs to hear what I have to say. Y/n y'all get into one fight and you're kicking us out? Why can't you just figure it out like a fucking teenager.
You turn around. You're not doing this because of the fight. You're doing this because Julian gang knows where the location is. You're moving them to another place. To be more specific the HQ. you've already called Marcus to confirm it and he's fine with it. You grab a granola bar.
Y/n: come on let's go.
At the HQ
You get out the car and everyone gets out with you. Marcus meets you at the door smiling. Tay goes up and hug him.
Marcus: hey babygirl how are you.
Tay: good dad
Marcus: this must be the boy.
Kairi: hey I'm-
Marcus: Kairi Cosentino and Mattia Polibio Roshuan diah Alvaro Romero Alejandro Rosario and Robert George.
Mattia: what the -
Y/n: guys go inside there's someone waiting to show you to your rooms.
They look at you then process to go in the house. You go up to Marcus.
Y/n: we're leaving them with for a reason you know why
Marcus: I'm guessing you want to tell them the reason on why you are in their lives
Tay: please
Marcus: alright. But it'll be on you if something happened to you guys after.
You nod and head into the house. You wait untill night time to gather them in the living room.
Mattia: this better be good
He plops down in the couch mad.
Tay: we've called you here to tell you why y'all are here.
Y/n: me and Tay are assassins that we're a sign to be your bodyguards.
Tay: they're is people after you and we are here to protect you from them.
Y/n: we didn't tell you sooner because we didn't want to freak you out or blow our cover. Since it would be breaking one of our rules on become what we are
Tay: we tell you know so you can understand why you're here and not have a angry feeling towards us if we do not return.
She looks at you to see which one of you should tell them the bad news. You motion her to go ahead and she nods.
Tay: we are going to get rid of the people after you. This is going be dangerous. We may or may not return.
she swallows.
Tay: the time we spent with you was amazing. If we come back home we hope that you would continue to spend more time with us.
You grab her arm noticing her voice getting shaky. You smiles at her then look back at everyone.
Y/n: we love you guys
Everyone looks as they was going to cry. They jump up running towards you grab y'all into a big hug. You all cry together.
Marcus: guys the others are here. It's time.
You pull away.
Kairi: we're going be here when you come back
Roshuan: we'll make more awesome memories
You smile at them
Y/n: love you guys.
You and Tay leave getting into the car with the rest of the crew helping with this. But the. You pull into the hospital
Marcus: Bryson heard and wanted to see you before you go.
You go to bryson room. He's still awake watching tv. You walk in.
Bryson: I heard
Y/n: I have to do my job
Bryson: just don't end up like me ok
Y/n: I won't.
Bryson: I'll see you when you're done.
You nod. You hug him and leave. You wait outside the door while Tay talks to him. She comes out in tears. She wipes them with the back of her hand
Tay: let's go
You get back in the car and drive to your next destination. That might be the last thing you see.

This chapter was something else. Next few chapters is the season finaleeee. Don't worry don't worry there will be a season 2 :)

My Little Spy ~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now