chapter 18

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Mattia thinks about everything and realize how stupid he is. He starts to cry knowing what he done and how he might not be able to fix it. He curls up into a ball and rock back and forth. He then get an idea. A very stupid one at that. He goes to where the other are and stand there. He looks at their very angry faces.
Mattia: so I know how stupid and selfish I've been.
Kairi: oh really now
Mattia: and I want to go save them.
Robert: oh so now you care. What happened to not caring about them huh. Not trusting them for what they did.
Mattia: whats your problem
Robert: you know exactly what my problem is Mattia
Robert gives Mattia an glare that made everyone feel uneasy. Alejandro grabs him pulling him into another room. When we get into his room ale swings me in shutting the door
Alejandro: what's wrong with you
Robert: he just pretending to care we all know Mattia doesn't care
Alejandro: he does care. Him and y/n had something. Him and Tay might of always been at each other's throat but you could tell they cared about each other
Robert: you don't understand
Alejandro: Robert tell me what's really wrong.
Robert gets up and start pacing around trying not to blow up.
Robert: I loved her ok?! I was in love with y/n.
He blurts out Alejandro looks down feelings sad for Robert. Poor boy never really found someone who loved him.
Robert: she loved me until Mattia came in messing it up and she fell for him. I'm suppose to be the one she's fighting with. Who she's looking forward to seeing.
Alejandro goes up to him hugging him. Robert breaks into tears.
Alejandro: you should've told her how you felt. Maybe things would've been different.
Robert: I want to save her man. But I want me to be the first one she see's.
Alejandro: come on let's get back.
They go back into the room. Mattia and the others were waiting for them to get back. When they did Mattia looked at Alejandro who nods and he continued to talk
Mattia: I know where they went and we can still get there in time.
Kairi: in time for what
Mattia: where they went is where one of the most top dangerous gangs here
Alvaro: I thought the westside cobras was.
Mattia: they are but this gang is closely ranked below them
Katie: then we need to hurry and go before we're too late.
Mattia: we need a plan first.

They get the plan down.
Mattia: we won't be allowed to leave right now so we going have to sneak out. But one of us going have to stay back to cover for us
Anaya: I will
Roshuan: you sure
Anaya: yeah just bring them back ok
Roshuan nods and turns his attention back to the others.
Mattia: we going have to pretend to go for a swim
Everyone nods and change into their swimming suit then grab bags with regular clothes in it. They go downstairs and to the back door when they get there they're stopped.
??: and where do you think your going
They turn to see a tall boy with blonde hair, and green eyes.
Mattia: we was going to swim.
??: swim huh?
Everyone nods.
??: cut the bull I heard your conversation upstairs
Alvaro: you going bust us
??: no I actually want in
Alejandro: oh?
??: I'm Sebastien Andrade
Alvaro: Tay mention you before....
Seb: oh she has? She hasn't been very fond of me since we broke up
Alvaro: that's right you're her ex. I don't think she'll want you there. Like you said she doesn't like you.
Seb: but right before she left we talked and settled our issues.
Alvaro: I still don't want you to come so no
Seb: oh then I'll guess I'll just tell everything that you're leaving.....
he takes out his phone and mattia quickly lunges forward
Mattia: wait you can come
Alvaro: Mattia I-
Katie covers his mouth and smiles at Sebastian who has a smirk on his face and putting his phone away.
Seb: go change back we can leave out the front door since no one stop me if I'm leaving with you.
Everyone goes and changes. They come downstairs and they leave.

In the car
They got into Sebastien's car and were driving when he started asking  questions.
Seb: who are you anyways
Mattia: I'm Mattia and these people are Katie Alejandro Robert Roshuan Kairi and Alvaro
Alvaro: Tay's boyfriend.
Seb: she didn't mention any boyfriend when we talked earlier
Alvaro: well we're not official yet. But feelings are there and we will be soon.
Seb: sure
Alvaro: what's that suppose to mean? Huh punk
Roshuan: Alvaro chill.

They were riding when they heard gunshots in the distance. Sebastien comes to a stop before a opened gate that lead to a house. The house had holes in the window and flashes of light come through them.
Alvaro: what the -
Seb: we're here. Looks like they already started.
Robert: why are we stopping here
Seb: we're walking the rest. 
He gets up the car popping the trunk. He get outs bulletproof vest and throws them to the others.
Seb: you want to not die put them on. Everyone does so and they start walking behind Sebastien. Who's careful walking towards the building. When they get close enough the gunshots stop and the door the house opens. They quickly run beside the house looking over the corner. They see men carrying y/n Tay and Marcus to a car. They were unconscious. Alvaro tried to jump out but Mattia quickly grabbing him and pulling him back.
??: take the to the BHQ and we'll figure out what to do with them later.
??: yes sir.
They sinks into the bushes as the car drives pass them leaving the facility.
Mattia: was they....
Katie: can't be or they wouldn't of took them...
Alvaro: Tay....
Robert. Y/n.....
Seb: we're too late. We'll have to find another way to get them. But it's not going be pretty.

Anddddddd they was the end of season 1. Season 2 will be coming out later this year. Tell what you think about this story. Who do you think y/n should be with? Who you think Tay should end up with? What do you think going happen next season. All I'm going say is it's about to get crazy. Check out my other stories. Kidnapped by Jesse Underhill and Alex Guzman is similar to this so go check it out. If you looking for a little less action and a little more drama go check out Fuck buddies, bestfriends brother,the anonymous, and force into dating. Love you all thank you for 2k read and I see you later 👋🏽😘

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